What was the last version of Windows you used before hopping on over? This includes the Linux greybeards too.

I was on Win10 but moved over as the end of life cycle is drawing near and I do not like Win11 at all.

Another thing for this change was the forced bloody updates, bro I just wanna shut down my PC and go to bed, if I wanna update it, I’ll do it on a Saturday morning with my coffee or something.

Lastly, all the bloat crap they chuck in on there that most users don’t really need. I think the only thing I kept was the weather program.

So what’s your reasoning for the change to the reliable and funni penguin OS?

  • divergency@scribe.disroot.org
    8 months ago

    I used Windows 11 on my tablet. Might I say 95° CPU when no applications are turned on is not okay. And the fans being 5000 RPM with NOTHING turned on since buying the tablet. And all the telemetry, tracking, ads, abuse, bloat, malware, spyware, blah blah blah. After switching to Fedora, I can barely notice the fans, and even in games they are really silent. The tablet is NEVER hot. Though battery got killed by Windows already, I guess if I’ll replace it, I will get more of my tablet.