Not with the US support that Israel has now.
Not with the US support that Israel has now.
Aah, racism. I knew I was missing something.
Why wouldn’t someone not want you to pass? Makes no sense
I don’t remember how I got here
Building a super intelligent AI sounds soooo much more difficult than breaking one of mikes fingers every month he goes without the filter.
Oof, they should’ve toed the line and dumped all that garbage in third world countries like their contemperories.
It’s so stupid. They’re expecting an “Aha, we’re not deportale unde rthis new act because the baby wa sborn before it wa sput into effect!!” defence when the administration will just make up some other rule to include them anyway.
These defences only work when dealing with reasonable legislative process, not with people that write down the end result first and then write laws so that they lead to that end result regardless of the whys and hows.
By video game rules he’d have to knife me and save the Rockets for my boss
The problem is nobody who expects to fail will go trhough it in the first place - that’s why penal rulings never work to prevent future crime. The only way to prevent future crime is to fix their causes.
Its a good thing I never saw that page then
Dont wanna be pedantic, but I think the quote was
“Gradually, and then all at once.”
Yeah, and this is assuming that even the ones with your target isn’t hidden in a box under his kid’s bed when it goes off.
No, but you can mark which pager numbers are in combatant possession and which ones are with civvies.
Actually incredibly easy to catch someone doing it in a first world country.
Mass surveillence is already here. By the third case of such death the police would already be pulling CCTV tapes.
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Are your concerns about how people can be so blase about potentially throwing their lives away for no particular reason at all, while you had to fight for your survival? I suppose none of us can really control what cards we’re dealt, only how we play them.
For what its worth, I’m glad you’re not dead.
Honestly, you don’t. You do whatever it takes to get out of there in the long term, and start looking for partners once you’re out.
lmaooo this is wild please explain
I knew that link would lead to my boy Aimo. If you see the photograph of him, you’d go, “Yep, this boy is zoinked”