I would really hate to be an enemy appearing in front of a Swedish soldier armed with that weapon right at the moment where he ran out of 5.56mm ammo.
By video game rules he’d have to knife me and save the Rockets for my boss
Instructions finally clear, this is not a bong.
Not yet anyways, pass the hacksaw…
Bruh, I had some friends that actually did shit like that, with a 22 rifle. They promised me it wasn’t loaded, but as much as I trusted them on that, I told them a great big FUCK THAT!
To be fair, these guys were in Vietnam.
They probably gave absolutely no fucks whatsoever.
It’s the general premise of it, even if I made sure for myself the gun wasn’t loaded, I’d still never do that.
Have you ever repaired guns before? I have. Stray gunpowder residue can still ignite…
I haven’t. Every gun is loaded.
But that’s my point. In the Vietnam war, the conscripts had no idea when they’d die from stepping on a mine, or being sniped by an enemy guerilla in the jungle trees, or just being turned into pink mist in general. The draftees didn’t want to be there, they knew there was no support for the war at home. They wanted a silly bong, fuck the risks, it could be the last rip you took anyway. For all we know one of those guys stood up after the video and ended up headbutting lead.
holy shit I never knew where that term came from, amazing share thanks!
Holy shit, had no idea! Makes perfect sense now.
Wasn’t able to watch it all (or hear any of it), but dang, lad #5 pulled a righteous rip
As a former grenadier i am extremely jealous. All i got was measly 40mm grenade launcher not this beautiful piece of equipment.
a noob tube strapped to a bullpup
Isn’t it a spotting rifle like on the US SMAW?
From the limited information I could find on it, no.
Does it have no sights, at all?
Shoot 5.56mm til you hear the “ping” of the vehicle, then pull the big one.
They had bigger guns made like that anyways, sort of tracer rounds til you hit, then go for the big expensive one.
Shoot from the hip, follow your dreams, or aim to the stars