I haven’t set foot on ‘dry land’ since Napster started.
I haven’t set foot on ‘dry land’ since Napster started.
Out cats are always in the last place I look.
Why would I keep looking after I found them?
After a quick butchers at the list, I think they are going after streaming sites rather than torrent sites per se.
I need hearing aids. My aids are so small they fit completely in my ear, so unless you are standing up close, you can’t see they are in. I’ve had them for about 3 years and I’m still blown away how small they are and how well they help me.
Well I didn’t, so now am.
Upvote for The Who reference.
Was a time when these lyrics would have been the top comment to this question. Now they linger at the bottom.
We who know must be getting fewer.
LocalSend is the dogs bollocks!
Which, unfortunately for you, has no relevance in this thread as it isn’t a medical word.
Nice try though. :)