Hahaha what a ridiculous name for a city. Bet their football team would be alright tho
The cars universe is in general goddamn weird
So many questions, like where do baby cars come from? Do cars die of old age or just general engine failure? How do cars have the dexterity to make the structures we see, is this a post apocalypse and they are living in human ruins?
is this a post apocalypse and they are living in human ruins?
This is patially explained by the Pixar Theory
Does the engine give personality or is that from something else? If they swapped engines around is it a brain transplant or a heart transplant?
What about the ship of thesius problem in this universe?
That’s so obscure and crazy and could never happen in real life. Like agin a city called Darmstadt or something.
Or Bielefeld . . . Oh, wait.
Surely no city or village will be named after bellend hahaha