I think that one was fake, posted by the OperaGX Account. Still funny, though.
On that note, I’d advise against using Opera browsers, the company that is behind them now is kinda shady.
On another note, I’d also advise against Edge, but less so. Microsoft is just normal megacorp-shady, not ran-a-loanshark-bussiness-in-africa-shady.
i use firefox
Doesn’t Opera use Chromium anyway?
Yes, with ton of proprietary shit slapped on top of it
They get ppl reposting this ad for free for years
Is it really an ad though? If you aren’t using edge it’s because you prefer something else, not because you don’t know about it. Microsoft tries hard to maintain edge as the default.
It’s not like this post highlights its capabilities or makes an argument for edge vs other browsers.
Any mention that garners attention is an ad.