A destabilized country living under permanent Russian influence is not a recipe for peace and security.
A destabilized country living under permanent Russian influence is not a recipe for peace and security.
Honestly, Trump bitching about someone and insulting them is more likely than not to be a positive indicator.
An old friend of mine would often leave cups of coffee around his house that he had forgotten about. My favorite was when I found one in his freezer.
At this point, I’m not sure if trump would bother trying to defend the US from an actual Russian invasion, especially if they invaded an area he doesn’t like.
I really hate this “real news or the onion” guessing game.
At least they got to discover the wonders of porn before the end.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t even the dumbest thing he says today.
Oil and gas which need to be extracted from deep underground so we can burn them: a gift from God.
Wind and sunlight which come to us for free and never run out: somehow not a gift from God.
Back when I worked in an office I would put up badass president pics Fourth of July. Too lazy to find them, but stuff like Kennedy riding a robot unicorn on the moon, FDR in wheelchair themed power armor, Roosevelt gunning down big foot in a forest fire, etc.
At home, the only significant decorating I do is for Christmas. There’s enough misery out there, and I choose to embrace the joy and the appeal to the better side of our nature. So we have lights, fake candles, and so on, and we put up a tree that gets a new ornament or two every year which fills it with memories. And as a finishing touch we hang a banner declaring “All creatures will make merry under pain of death”
He’s not relying on Ukraine’s allies running out of money, he’s betting that they’ll lose interest and/or vote for pro-Russian stooges before he loses the ability to win the war.
And for something similar in its insanity, there’s also Santa Claus, a product of Mexico that I can only assume was fueled by product from Columbia.
“I wonder if there’s beer on the sun”
The Canada Song lives rent free in my head.
“We put our faith in BLAST HARDCHEESE.”
Final Sacrifice.
The post: Can we just take a moment to acknowledge that there are at least some positives to be found in in the US?
The comments: No
Redoing the election only takes pressure off Maduro. It’s an empty gesture to appease the opposition for a time, which just gives Maduro room to plan for stealing the next election. And it drags things out for longer, which can easily cause some of the energy to be drained from his opposition, because movements like this tend to fade out after a while.
And what could possibly be the point? If he won’t concede this time, next time won’t be any different.
Better to keep putting as much pressure as possible on Maduro and his regime. No reason to make hanging on to power any easier for him, and even if he can’t be convinced to bow out gracefully, if things get bad enough for him, the decision might not be his to make.
Just logically speaking, a do over makes no sense because it was never the voting process that was in doubt. Both sides agree that the votes were all valid, they just disagree on the count… by a lot.
Well, they disagree about that and the need for any kind of transparency at all. Apparently Maduro thinks that elections should be run on the honor system.
This shouldn’t be a surprise, but it’s still outrageous and probably a lot more damaging than simply stopping future aid. Russia’s economy is crippled and they are struggling to supply their military to keep up the war effort. Dropping the sanctions would not only give them a huge economic boost, it would also potentially allow them to buy things they can’t manufacture on their own.
A plurality of voters chose to elect a puppet who has effectively turned the US into a Russian vassal state. But at least eggs are cheap and plentiful and we have peace in the middle east, right?