I don’t think it would be anymore. Modern compilers are really really good at what they do, and often manually optimizing(writing assembly yourself) makes programs slower. So unless you are very good at assembly, I would just trust the compiler.
I don’t think it would be anymore. Modern compilers are really really good at what they do, and often manually optimizing(writing assembly yourself) makes programs slower. So unless you are very good at assembly, I would just trust the compiler.
I think it’s a joke hinging on the contrast between the cute picture and the apocalyptic message.
I think it was intentionally left out to show it was said in one breath. You should read it like a fire and brimstone preacher is reading it I think.
I disagree strongly with this sentiment. If there was one garage that was destroying engines and another garage removing all the seatbelts, sure, maybe engine-estroying-garage has their own shit going on, but that doesn’t mean that their critisism of seatbelt-removing-garage is invalid.
Can we not try to avoid introspection into our own racism by talking about someone else’s racism please?
Yes, this is a fucked up thing. Why do you specifically bring it up under a post about European racism tho?
I disagree strongly on the first point. Blackface was not percieved as negative by a lot of people because they had no awareness of it’s significance, but black pete has always been a racist stereotype. It’s not “oh, this is a character who happens to be black”, it’s “this thick-lipped gold-earring wearing pitch-black person with old-timey clothes is the servant of an old bisshop”.
This shit has always been fucked up. And we didn’t just make an easy decision to change them because some people were uncomfortable, people fought for that. And half of the people are still “bUt iTs jUsT a ChIlDrEnS hOlIdAy iS evErYthInG rAciSt tHEse DaYs?”
So you would not pull the lever. Got it.
Please don’t make a comment talking about your downvotes, it does not make people like you more.
I WILL get myself addicted if a draft gets instated. My family has a predisposition towards addiction, and my life would be ruined either way.
Well that comtradicts my worldview so I am going to block you I think
Idk, but I am left handed and very bad at mental arithmetic, so based on that anecdotal evidence it checks out I think
Funny jokes are funny. Unfunny jokes are unfunny.
Just crop them off
For a lot of distro’s you don’t need to use a terminal to install things if you aren’t comfortable with that. While I believe learning to use a commandline a little bit will always be beneficial, you really don’t havo to. Take a look at linux mint for example, which has a “store” for packages.
It’s clear you haven’t used linux.
Windows: open edge, go to google, type the package you want, scroll past ads, download random executable from internet, execute, click through wizard, open program.
Linux: open package manager, search package you want, click install, open program.
Linux is compatible with almost all windows software now, and windows is absolutely not more user friendly, it’s just what you’re used to.
Those damn imperialists providing weapons to a sovereign country in order to protect itself from it’s imperialist neighbor trying to annex it!
All you fuckers are like “of course I’d pull the lever in a trolley problem, less people dying is more important than my active involvement”
But when it actually comes to it it’s suddenly “fuck that”
Ik, I was trying (and failing) to make a joke
This is one of the first where I struggled to read it correctly. I think the colours are making the effect worse here.