Ach komm, mach Dich locker Pflaumengesäß
Ach komm, mach Dich locker Pflaumengesäß
Jetzt mit Faxgerät in jedem Waggon!
Donald’s ghostwriter penning “Mein Trumpf” as we speak
Time to make Gaza great again, I guess.
Agreed to everything you said, but the X motion and “suck it!” does not come from Stone Cold Steve Austin. It was a staple of Degeneration X. Sorry for nitpicking
Right, so to fight the declining birthrate, they entertain the idea that women over 25 should not be allowed to marry. And on top of that, women over the ripe, old age of 30 get their uteruses removed.
I am sure this totally would serve as an incentive to breed more and not at all make existing problems worse.
What a baka.
I assume most don’t end up in Russia but in richer EU countries. Those cars are repaired and made presentable again in some backyard mechanic shop in Georgia and the Baltics, then thrown on the used car market.
South Korea will now only send weapons that maim and terrify.
Now you are just misinterpreting my points and starting to sound silly.
Refugees and migrants are two different groups. Migrants are long term residents. Refugees are not.
The fact that it is common does not mean it is a good practice.
IF there was decent AI translation, the whole issue would not be existant, would it?
I am quite happy to be able to discuss with you in a foreign language, without the help of AI. It means I am independent, which is a kind of freedom that, to me, belongs to feeling human.
Whilst I agree with some of your points, the notion that Europe “may be bad at migration” and being “shit” to others whilst protecting their culture comes of as uninformed at best and holier than thou preachy at worst.
No one is under the illusion that a migrant has to speak perfectly. But they should be competent enough to function in order to integrate into the society.
I have plenty of experience in my social circle where this is not the case. Those people rely on friends and family when it comes to simple tasks such as doctor appointments.
Concerning the language issue, it does not matter that a language is “globally niche”.
If people want to migrate to a specific country long term, the spoken language has to be learned to become a member of society and prevent the forming of parallel societies.
One side clearly is the aggressor here. To pick their side is not a good look and makes other countries question China’s intentions.
Eine “handfeste” Reaktion wäre die wahrscheinlichste Variante. Wahrscheinlich würde ein Jamam Team aus Israel Netanjahu aus dem deutschen Gewahrsam rausschießen. Internationales Recht gilt bekanntlich nicht für Israel, und der politische Sturm würde nur über Deutschland reinbrechen.
Eine Verhaftung wäre einerseits ein tolles Statement, aber andererseits außen- (und leider auch innen-)politischer Selbstmord einer neuen Regierung, die nur geschwächt daraus hervokommen würde.