• 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Guenther_Amanita@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.mlBazzite 3.0 has been released!
    10 months ago

    It’s basically Nobara, but properly done. (If you choose the desktop version)

    It gets updates automatically (max one day after upstream Fedora), has everything you want ootb in the first start wizard, is more secure, and much more.

    I was very sceptical at first, but after trying it out, I really noticed some minor performance improvements in games and many QoL improvements, e.g. the preinstalled LACT, which allows me to set up fan curves and over-/ underclock my GPU.

    Setting up my new PC took me about half an hour maximum.

    9/10, I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a smooth gaming experience.

  • I can’t tell you if Void or any other minimal distro is significantly faster relatively to something more comfortable than Fedora.
    But even if it is, then I would still use something “bloated” because it just works and requires less input from my side.
    Booting takes just seconds anyway with NVMe disks, so why bother if it takes 4 or 5 seconds, if the PC runs smoother for the next days it is powered on?

    Use whatever distro you like more, and install your packages with Distrobox. Here’s a post I made a while ago about it: https://feddit.de/post/8018330

    I personally enjoy Fedora Atomic even more than the mutable version, but in your case, you would have to decide for yourself.

  • Ich persönlich würde sagen: jein.

    Möglich ist es bestimmt, ich hab auch eine Fensterfront bei der die Sonne ab 13 Uhr volle Kanne hinknallt. Davor ist es Halbschatten, also wären die 6 Stunden Vollsonne und 4 Stunden indirektes Licht bestimmt voll okay und würden deine Ertrags-Erwartungen locker erfüllen.

    Aber willst du das auch? Ich hab bisher noch keine praktische Erfahrung damit, aber von dem, was ich gehört habe, soll das Zeug echt stinken. Und irgendwann nehmen deine Klamotten den Geruch bestimmt auch an, ähnlich wie bei Rauchern, würzigem Essen/ ranzigem Fett oder Schimmel-Modergeruch (?).
    Willst du wirklich in die Arbeit gehen und die ganze Zeit nach Weed müffeln?

    Mein Ratschlag wäre: wenn du einen Balkon oder kleinen Garten hast, machs da.

    Wenn nicht, bastel dir ein Growzelt selbst. Entweder aus einem alten Kühlschrank, einem Tomatengewächshaus, einem modifizierten Einbauschrank, oder oder oder…
    Du brauchst dafür nicht mal unbedingt die überteuerten lila Growlampen, eine Unterbauleuchte tut’s auch. So hab ichs auch, siehe mein Post.
    Dazu ein HEPA-Filter (z.B. die Luftfilter aus Coronazeiten) von Kleinanzeigen, und du kriegst mit <50€ was brauchbares hin.
    So hab ichs inzwischen auch, nur, dass ich inzwischen noch eine Unterbauleuchte zu der lila Lampe dazu gemacht habe (noch mehr Licht, muhahaha) und einem Luftfilter für etwas Luftzirkulation.
    Aber in paar Wochen kommen die Pflänzchen ja eh raus, daher mach ich mir mitm Geruch keine Sorgen, da sie bis dahin noch nicht blühen sollten.

  • Same for me!

    I didn’t want to include my own experiences, but I’m also a “noob”.
    I never worked in IT and only try new things, like Linux, Android custom ROMS, selfhosting, and more, because I just enjoy it.
    But in the end, I just want a modern and reliable system that doesn’t get into my way.

    I will include that information in my next post tho, where I wanna show that this technology is usable by everyone, even a dumbass like myself.

    I even had the same problem with the MullbadVPN-app, where I just gave up in the end and used the Wireguard protocol implementation from Gnome.

  • You have got to be the biggest promoter of immutable distros on lemmy.

    I unironically think I might be that. One of the main reasons I wrote this post is to just send it as “read further” option when I recommend uBlue in every second thread.

    If I wouldn’t post other stuff, one might think I am a bot or something 😅

    i feel they are great for the casual users who will just browse the web, play some games and maybe do some document reading and editing.

    Yes, as one partial group. If you don’t use your PC to its full potential, you won’t run into problems. 90% is web based anyway.

    Right now, they are super interesting especially for early adopters and experienced users. For the middle ground user, e.g. if you researched for Linux yourself but don’t have much experience otherwise, you might run into some problems that require other people to help you or a bit of research on forums.
    But I don’t think that will happen anyway and I still would recommend it to most people.