Was hat Klingbeil denn verbockt?
Not really in the course of history. A lot of countries had no elections that could have been postponed.
Also, yes.
Imagine using a nuclear weapon in a melee. Great thinking, really. Guess dravin awards exist for a reason.
Copy left usually also enforces openness of products it is used in
Copy left would mean that games that use it must be open source and free to play, no?
Why make it copy left? I thought Godot’s spirit was being a usable engine you can use to implement your game and sell it, too. How does a copy left extension make anyone’s life easier?
This is actually a great example for why that stick must not exist.
You can also do this with a unbreakable stick and an unbreakable shorter tube. Throw the stick at a high velocity through the tube and it contracts for the point of view of the tube. Then close it shut. Now you have a stick that’s longer than the tube fully contained in it.
Excuse me, they are called “the religious society of friends” which is awesome.
Besser so den Systemausfall verhindern als gar nicht. Ist schonmal besser als nichts.
Sounds like an influx of cheap second hand BEVs.
Putting people in rough boxes can help you discover things about them. You merely have to remember that it is an approximation and does not describe real humans.
The three arrows stand against fascism, monarchism and communism. CP. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Three_Arrows_election_poster_of_the_Social_Democratic_Party_of_Germany,_1932_-_Gegen_Papen,_Hitler,_Thälmann.png
What does shagm shateg right mean? Is it Welsh?
Misfolded proteins can occur everywhere it’s just more fatal if it happens in the brain.
Now look up the Greek mythology of how it got that name.
Edit: … The TV Station with that name had me confused, my bad.
Fucking knifes seems hazardous, but I guess everything is a dildo if you are brave enough.