I’m not that surprised, a lot of people around me dot have a clear picture of what is the relationship between MacOS, Linux and Unix is. So I suppose some of them would guess that Linux is a modern fork of Unix and MacOS based on Unix.
I’m not that surprised, a lot of people around me dot have a clear picture of what is the relationship between MacOS, Linux and Unix is. So I suppose some of them would guess that Linux is a modern fork of Unix and MacOS based on Unix.
The point of Arch is not that it’s hard to install the point is that it’s modular and you can choose exactly what you need. So in order ton maintain it you may need to know about pipewire, bluez, Wayland, synaptic, tlp, …
Once you know the name of most modules and graphical application it’s indeed pretty easy because Arch’s wiki is great. But I don’t think it’s a great way to discover the ecosystem and you would probably not benefit from Arch specificities compared to another distro.
I think the only person I would recomand this to would be a computer scientist who needs to learn as much as possible about Linux in two months.
I’m not sure a newcomer will notice the difference between xorg and wayland?
they want to appeal to proprietary companies
Wtf does that even mean? (Maybe English is not your native langage and you meant something else tho?)
stalkers who harassed and attacked me and my family
Wtf is wrong with these people?
Linux, Microsoft & iOS engineers have a flat tire.
Thanks a lot for the presets, I’ll give this another try.
But yeah you could have stopped at darktable being better without the “shit” part 😅
When I tried darktable as a complete begginer I was completely lost and ended up learning rawtherapee instead. Would you say it changed now?
Darktable seems more popular than rawtherapee, but is there a big difference feature-wise?
I think the “etc” shows how f***ed up it might be to package for every single distro. Releasing a tar with no extra bloat and letting each community doing its own things over it is probably one of the best approaches?
I’ve been using the unstable branch for this exact reason. Otherwise I’d have to change my scaling every time I launch a game.
I’m much more impressed by the fact that a type can implement PartialEq and not Eq. Now that’s nice design!
I’m using NewPipe daily and it doesn’t seem broken at all?
Yeah I can totally see that happening 🫣
Here it was especially infuriating because it’s mixed with all the company policies, like the 1 month process it took me to have administrator privilege in the first place.
These process also make some sense as I’m in a company of several hundred thousand employees, but all of this mixed together is exhaustingly anoying.
At least now I know that I’m not crazy. Also that this issue is on Microsoft and not on my company’s IT department.
It’s a ~5 years old thinkpad. It may be due to it not being well managed but it really disn’t up to the task. Being in a Teams call while using an external displays makes the framerate drop to ~10fps for example 🤷
Also, I don’t get how people just accept that any input they perform will require an average of 1s for feedback.
But at least now I understand why macs are so popular…
Wow thank you I needed that.
What a big pile of shit software, I swear I’m just gonna quit because of this ass smelling garbage.
Today I discovered that C:/Users/MyUser was silently an alias of C:/Users/OneDriveBullshit/MyUser only in the explorer. So I just figured out why some documents were often disappearing for months, I’m just working on a multiverse were depending on the application the same path don’t lead to the same folder.
Earlier this week I unzipped a file and couldn’t remove resulting files without administrator privileges.
I’ve never lost so much time for any fucking software, let alone a paid one. And don’t even get me starting on the fucking ads they put everywhere even if you unchecked the 154 options in 42 different menus.
I’d say it depends if you are a technical user or not.
I have a channel on my team’s Slack were I just vent off on these kind of situations 😬
#windows-is-the-best, inspired from #gitlab-is-the-best, the chan were everyone vents off when the CI refuses to pick up workers 😅