I love this! The linguaphile pedant in me seethes every time someone uses the modern definition of decimation and it sometimes takes physical effort not to be THAT guy about it 😅
This is called the etymological fallacy
Nah, I know that the common usage is by definition also correct, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it any more than “literally” also meaning “figuratively” now.
I’m one of the 9 in 10.
Me too. Let’s find the seven others.
The scene minutes before they start pounding his ass
Wow he was decimated
The Matt Helm spy books of the 1960s-1980s were far superior to the James Bond novels.
In one of them, the bad guys have an imposter on the phone with Helm, impersonating Helm’s long time boss. Helm realizes the scam because the phony misuses ‘decimate.’ That’s how 4th grade me learned this.
iron warriors moment
From iron cometh strength.