For someone who thinks they’re so smart you sure have a lot of strongly held, dangerously outdated views.
We don’t correct mental disorders by “forcing people to be more ‘normal’”, we treat them so that the person with the disorder can have the most fulfilling life they can.
The reason we don’t let someone with anorexia stave to death is that they would die, which is not the most fulfilling life they can have. The reason we let someone with gender dysmorphia (after assessing that transition is the best solution for them) transition is that this lets them have, what is now statistically proven to be, the most fulfilling life they can have.
Forcing a square peg (neurodivergent individual) into a round hole (neurotypical behaviour) doesn’t make anyone happy. Instead we help them round their hardest edges and find the most ‘square hole’ shaped lifestyle they have access to means everyone is as fulfilled as possible.
For someone who thinks they’re so smart you sure have a lot of strongly held, dangerously outdated views.
We don’t correct mental disorders by “forcing people to be more ‘normal’”, we treat them so that the person with the disorder can have the most fulfilling life they can.
The reason we don’t let someone with anorexia stave to death is that they would die, which is not the most fulfilling life they can have. The reason we let someone with gender dysmorphia (after assessing that transition is the best solution for them) transition is that this lets them have, what is now statistically proven to be, the most fulfilling life they can have.
Forcing a square peg (neurodivergent individual) into a round hole (neurotypical behaviour) doesn’t make anyone happy. Instead we help them round their hardest edges and find the most ‘square hole’ shaped lifestyle they have access to means everyone is as fulfilled as possible.