Instead of “forced to reveal fate in sick video”
It should say what that fate is and, of course, provide an embedded video.
Edit after clicking article: No video, just some guy talking over images.
Downvoted for sensationalism.
Anything from [email protected] is certain to be propaganda.
They’re a genocide supporter.
For some comparison, here are the headlines from BBC:
“Israel Gaza war: Hamas video claims to show dead hostages”
… and Times of Israel:
“Hamas airs propaganda clip of hostages Noa Argamani, Yossi Sharabi, Itay Svirsky”
The Messenger’s headline is trash. It’s so sensationalized that I don’t even know what it’s talking about.
? The article clearly states, well, what the claim is.
The three of them were in a building bombed by the IDF, one died.
Another died in a later airstrike.
True? Seems unlikely given the source of the video and appearance if duress.
Eh. True or not, but Israel strikes without much care and Hamas is known to use hostages as shields. So I wouldn’t call it unlikely, just contextually kinda irrelevant. It’s a shit show and both sides try to get brownie points / make the other one look more inhumane than the other.
Hamas and friends should be obliterated, they are disgusting
Noa Argamani, who was kidnapped from the Supernova Music Festival, said two other hostages were killed in Israeli airstrikes
In a Hostage video.
It’d be less credible if the IDF wasn’t shooting half naked hostages asking for help and waving white flags.
Accidents hardly seem less likely.
And, quite frankly, they’re probably better off as bombing collateral damage than a Hamas hostage Israel won’t trade for anyways.
Hamas hostage Israel won’t trade for anyways.
However, the Israelis already did trade for hostages. But not for those that live rent free in some folks minds.
I see, I see.
So Israel just wanted these ones dead then.
That or they ran out of Palestinian women and children to trade.
Wonder why they had them in the first place?
Well Hostage blaming is one way to go I guess.
I think you’ll find I’m actually Bibi blaming, because he wanted this all to happen to cement his fascist rule, and he doesn’t care how many people die to do it.
He doesn’t want all the hostages, he needs excuses, just like how Bush refused the Taliban turning over Osama Bin Laden for a ceasefire.
Bibi will be out the door when the shooting stops.
The Taliban never had bin Laden to hand over.