I hate maps that don’t have North as up. Why why why.
As for this, usually there are rivers that drain into seas. You need to have a plan for those too. Here is the drainage basin for the baltic sea:
So no not feasible.
Alternate plan (as it would be a shame to waste a dam): Keep the dam, flood the Baltic sea until Kaliningrad is under water?
Where is that map from? At least two of the Finnish rivers are titled with the name of a tributary, but with the correct name.
Found on duck duck go images, vividmaps.com which looks like random maps.
Are you Finnish? I have a question if you are.
Have traveled to Finland a couple of times and one of those rivers was familiar to me.
What’s the question?
So the US, Canada, and Finland just joined an icebreaker design consortium. And I’m wondering why Finland knows icebreakers. Do they need them in the baltic?
Yeah, the northern parts of the gulf of Bothnia tend to freeze up during the winter.
Finland leads the world Following World War II, Finnish companies made rapid advancements in icebreaking technology, pushing the state of the art in icebreaking design, construction, power supply, and propulsion systems. Today, Finland is a global leader in icebreaker design and construction, with most of the world’s icebreakers originating from Finnish expertise. Naturally, every single icebreaker in service in Finland has been designed and constructed locally.
Doesn’t really fully answer the question, but yeah basically we have a lot of ice and shipping routes on the coastlines both west and south
Interesting, thanks.
Even when it makes the body of water look like a velociraptor?
That’s a shame. I like the dam plan.
It was damned from the start.
Even worse when there’s no compass that indicates north.
But there’s a chance that, cut off from the sea, the water collected wouldn’t be enough to offset losses (evaporation, etc), right? Kind of like how the Mediterranean was dry when it was cut off from the Atlantic?
Well, no, its too far north for that to happen.
A telling sign is that the baltic sea gets less salty the further you go away from its connection to the north sea. That means that the water is flowing out of the baltic sea, so putting a dam there would only slowly rise the sea level.
What if it was a hydroelectric dam?
Completely unfeasable, Denmark doesn’t understand the concept of funding infrastructure unless its highways
Surely they could put a highway on top of the dams.
We already have tolled highways exactly where those dams would be :(
They’d just drive in the empty oceans with their tanks and it’d be a land assault.
Instead of draining it, they could build the dam between Finland and Estonia, to force them to sail the long way around Scandinavia to reach it.
Have you ever tried to drive a tank through soft muddy terrain? Those tanks will sink into the muck at the bottom and be stuck.
I’ll drive my tank through your soft muddy terrain if you get my drift.
Russians are world champions on driving tanks through muddy soil. Or at least trying to.
Well, when the land forces are positioned equidistant from each shore, release the damns and flood the fuckers.
PT-76s are bisexual.
There was once a proposal to dry up the Mediterranean to make more land. Turns out that if the insane plan was implemented it would have laid waste to all of Europe.
Extremely credible
Just enforce a Blockade between Finland and Estonia and block access to the Baltics from Germany and Denmark. Gotta starve the militarys in Russia.
Dude, there are some people who are enjoying their holidays at the sea.
Fuck them, I live on the coast, I don’t want to live close to a steppe
Bad map, bad! ::🗞
Bad map bad map bad bad bad map map map.
Where is Findland? I can’t fin it.
Ruining my Ölandsresa, will you?
Big atlantropa vibes!
could we please not fuck around with nature?
Technically not possible. It’s easier to build a dyke between Poland and Lithuania and between Estonia and Finland.
Don’t dry it up. Just make it too shallow.
Just run a rumor that Japanese missile boats are around the area, let nature take its course.