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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I dont think Putin would let him nuke Ukraine. Beyond issues with it being on their border, and their own military forces occupying part of the country, a missile launched from the US towards Ukraine is going to look a whole lot like one launched from the US towards Russia, at least at first, and the nature of nuclear conflict is such that you generally would launch your own missiles when you see your rival’s missiles coming, rather than waiting to see where they land. Trump seems to care what Putin wants, and nobody is going to want their main rival, even if their leader is currently one you have influence over, to be launching nuclear missiles in the direction of one’s country.

    The EU is even less likely, since France is both one of its most prominent members and a nuclear power itself.

  • I do sometimes wonder if you could technically still run a working government off printing money, just recognizing that doing so didnt create more value, but instead acted as a form of taxation. Imagine a government that currently holds no significant fraction of its currency. It then prints an amount equal to what is currently in circulation, doubling the money supply and in doing so presumably halving the value of a given unit of that currency. Once it has done so, no new value is created, but that government has gone from having no significant fraction of the money in circulation, to having half of it, which it can now spend.

    Suppose you did this predictably, you let everyone know that you will be increasing the money supply by x percent every year, and will be re-denominating it to avoid difficult to work with numbers at set intervals. Wouldnt you technically have a functioning system for extracting value from the economy to pay for government functions?

    It might not be a very good system, since all it would effectively tax is people’s savings of currency and not stuff like property, and you would have to set up things like employment contracts or debts to compensate for constant high inflation rates, but Im not sure I see a reason why it technically couldn’t be done.

  • If I had to guess based on that sub-headline, I’d assume that this probably is about some disparity in air quality in areas predominantly populated by different groups of people, and using a headline like this as a sort of clickbait to get people who would see that and go “Oh, so they think air is racist now, how absurd” to share and look at it. In any case, if it is indeed pointing out some systemic disparity like that, then that isnt the same thing as saying that everyone on the more fortunate end is personally racist in their opinions, just that a difference in average life circumstances exists.

  • The whole “either you hate the Palestinians or you hate the Jews” narrative that pops up whenever Israel does something wrong is part of the problem. The government of Israel uses its demographics as something of a shield from criticism, by stating that it is the Jewish state, and thus that to accuse them of wrongdoing is to be antisemitic. But it is not so; not everyone who is Jewish agrees with or desires what Israel is doing, they cant, no matter how many they might bring on board, because it is an ethnic and religious identity that includes some, like children, who aren’t even able to understand and agree to it. The actions of Israel are not the actions of Jewish people as a whole, and they never will be, because ethnic groups simply do not work that way. If anyone is being antisemitic here, it is the Israeli state itself, for attempting to tie their very real atrocities to Jewish people in order to coerce people into ignoring them. Its like the rhetorical equivalent of a criminal taking a hostage in order to deter arrest.