In a move set to tighten government control over practicing religion in China’s western Xinjiang Province, the Muslim-majority region will introduce a set of regulations that – among other things – will require all new places of worship to reflect “Chinese characteristics and style.”
The sweeping legislation will come into force on February 1 as part of a broader multiyear campaign aimed at controlling religion in Xinjiang, which is home to mainly Muslim ethnic groups such as Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Hui (aka Dungans).
I mean china is already sending them to concentration camps doeant get much worse than that. But it seems nobody cares.
The Turkistan Islamic Party keeps attacking civilians in Xinjiang but it seems nobody cares.
So you’re saying the people being systematically oppressed and marginalized are turning radical in their helplessness? How rude of them. They should just shut up and go into the gas.
Or you can rehabilitate and reeducate. You know, the thing that they’re doing
I don’t agree with religion but you’re talking about “reeducation” like they’re not supposed to believe what they want.
Check the post history - dude’s a tankie troll. Don’t waste your time.
Arrests aren’t being made against people because they’re Muslim, they’re arresting people that’re suspected terrorists related to The Turkistan Islamic Party. The reeducation is based around not following terrorist groups and rehabilitation of terrorists.
Does this look like rehabilition and reeducation to you:
It looks like a prison… Which it is. Have you seen how the US treats terrorists and suspected terrorists in Guantanamo? These guards don’t even have guns pointed at the back of their heads. There’s no waterboarding or torture I’m seeing either. What are you expecting to see at a prison designed to contain and rehabilitate suspected terrorists? It’s not a Disney vacation.
Why does the government get to decide what they can believe and what not? Fucking totalitarian bullshit.
Because the government doesn’t want a terrorist group to continue bombing the shit out of civilians so they reeducate them on not following terrorists. It’s not really a bad thing to want prisoners to be reeducated on not doing crimes.
I’m guessing you don’t support Palestinians
That’s a dumb comment. I absolutely support Palestinians