If you’re being ironic somehow I don’t think your joke landed
If you’re being ironic somehow I don’t think your joke landed
I mean I’d love if things like chicken didn’t have all the icky bits
Nah sweet and sour chicken isn’t necessarily battered, it’s just the sauce
It’s a common saying, it’s not a literal thing
Yeah this doesn’t feel like the place for that kind of joke plus “you know shit” reads as “you know a lot of things” to my native speaking brain as well as the other meanings and it’s very hard to tell intent from text.
It’s music that I can deal with but it really doesn’t do anything for me. Like… It’s background noise, not something that engages me.
I’m anti-zionist, any ideology that claims someone else’s home isn’t great.
Yeah I just found it https://youtu.be/aMcJ1Jvtef0?feature=shared
He also did an interesting talk on his art if he’s who I think he is
Well that’s fucked, but nobody said anything about Christians or any kind of rituals, I think it was in reference to the ongoing genocide.
Why do they have the dota symbol though?
My interests are more about the actual engineering involved, like it’s crazy how we can throw a piece of metal kilometres away to within a metre. And there’s something satisfying about how they fit together. But yeah I wouldn’t trust anyone with guns.
Yeah, it makes really good fuel but also likes to burn just about anything without any encouragement
Well jet turbines can run on a surprisingly wide range of fuels so maybe. The biggest problems would be turning CDs into a liquid and getting them to burn with enough energy to run your jets fast enough to actually move a plane.
I think the dumbest thing is that people still think wt is accurate
They briefly considered chlorine trifluoride but it was apparently too hazardous.
To be fair, they’ve been speed running the country checklist of “really shouldn’t have a right to exist” they’ve done more to convince me that Zionism is a plague on our species than anyone else. The whole genocide is happening because of the idea of Israel so yes, if it goes away then that’s a first step.
I can actually feel my brain cells dying
I don’t agree with religion but you’re talking about “reeducation” like they’re not supposed to believe what they want.
Prepared for what, a waste of time? Cause it didn’t look like they even wanted to try to offer an actual deal.