I don’t do great with beer or wine, increases my digestive issues. Otherwise I’d totally try my hand at an English bitter or something like that, British beers are nearly impossible to get here (at best pale ales or IPAs, which I hate) and I don’t like the local styles.
FWIW if you’ve only ever had commercially produced wine, your issues may actually be stemming from the sulphates used to preserve the wine. You may want to pick up a bottle of sulphate-free wine and see what happens; You may be pleasantly surprised. And if that ends up being the case, homebrewed wine obviously wouldn’t have those sulphates.
I brew alcohol and grow mushrooms(gourmet and non-gourmet )
Man I wish home distilling wasn’t illegal as fuck where I live …
You can’t even brew beer? No distillation needed there
I don’t do great with beer or wine, increases my digestive issues. Otherwise I’d totally try my hand at an English bitter or something like that, British beers are nearly impossible to get here (at best pale ales or IPAs, which I hate) and I don’t like the local styles.
FWIW if you’ve only ever had commercially produced wine, your issues may actually be stemming from the sulphates used to preserve the wine. You may want to pick up a bottle of sulphate-free wine and see what happens; You may be pleasantly surprised. And if that ends up being the case, homebrewed wine obviously wouldn’t have those sulphates.
My assumption was that it’s related to histamines (which would explain why I do badly with both beer and wine), but might as well try your suggestion.