A few months back I crashed a db in prod. I detached it and when I tried to reattach it simply refused, saying it was corrupted or some shit.
Lucky me we have a backup solution.
Unfortunately it was being upgraded, with difficulties.
That was a long day.I always run my queries in a script that will automatically rollback if the number of rows changed isn’t one. If I have to change multiple rows I should probably ask myself what am I doing.
If you can fuck up a database in prod you have a systems problem caused by your boss. Getting fired for that shit would be a blessing because that company sucks ass.
Small companies often allow devs access to prod DBs. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s a catastrophically stupid decision, but you often can’t do anything about it.
And of course, when they inevitably fuck up the blame will be on the IT team for not implementing necessary restrictions.
Frequent snapshots ftmfw.
What if you’re the one that was in charge of adding safe guards?
Never fire someone who fucked up (again; it isn’t their fault anyways). They know more about the system than anyone. They can help fix it.
This is the way usually but some people just don’t learn from their mistakes…
Don’t you people have a development environment?
There’s that old saying ‘everyone has a development environment. Some people are lucky enough to have a separate production environment, too’
The P in Prod stands for “It’ll be Pfine”
The letter you want after the P is an H.