Sorry to burst that bubble, but just because you were never taught about the things they’re talking about doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.
It just means your education system, like most, is run by nationalists that care more about using mythology to make more nationalists than about conveying historical fact.
The numbers are irrelevant. Just because WWII was so deadly doesn’t mean you should trivialize Vietnam and other conflicts. It’s ridiculous to call it a “small policing action to keep dictators in line” when over a million people were murdered in a war of aggression, propping up a dictator against a popular movement.
I’m starting to think the same thing, if you go over US foreign policy since WW2 it is almost like the mask is just coming off entirely now.
America did a lot of bad stuff, to put it mildly. This is definitely something else though.
I agree, that’s what I mean by it just going mask off, there’s no pretending about a probable cause of higher moral path etc this time.
What? You’re welcome for all that world peace and prosperity since ww2. It is about time Europe started to share this burden.
Sorry to burst that bubble, but just because you were never taught about the things they’re talking about doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.
It just means your education system, like most, is run by nationalists that care more about using mythology to make more nationalists than about conveying historical fact.
Lol national mythology
It’s pretty disingenuous to act like the US took sole credit, or that Europe didn’t share in the burden of WW2.
Plus re:world peace - the USA has been involved in 32 wars since WW2 ended, none of them on American soil.
Check the numbers. Those are vastly tiny compared to ww1 and ww2. Small policing actions are necessary to keep dictators in line.
There wouldn’t be a ww2 without Europe. Their faulty treaties and failure to stop dictators led to the conflict. America cleaned it up.
oh yes, the small policing action known as The Cold War that almost ended the human civilization
followed right up with the friendly local copper checking in on Iraq and Afghanistan as a social call
When did the United states and the Soviet union fight?
1944–1949, 1945–1946, 1946–1954, 1947, 1948–1960, 1950–1953, 1952–1960, 1955–1975, 1954–1955, 1958 (x2), 1960–1996, 1960–1965, 1974–1991, 1962–1970, 1962–1976, 1962–1990, 1963–1967, 1965, 1965–1979, 1965–1983, 1966–1967, 1966–1969, 1966–1990, 1968–1982, 1968–1989, 1968–1989, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1974–2002, 1974–1991, 1975–1999, 1977, 1977–1991, 1978 (alleged involvement of USSR), 1978–1982, 1978–1987, 1979, 1979–1989, 1987–1988, 1989–1991
Proxy wars are not declared wars. There is a difference. Like millions of dead difference.
Does Vietnam fall under “small policing actions that are necessary to keep dictators in line?”
Yes. Extremely low casualty rate compared to ww2.
K bud.
Have you seen the numbers or are you throwing an opinion out there?
The numbers are irrelevant. Just because WWII was so deadly doesn’t mean you should trivialize Vietnam and other conflicts. It’s ridiculous to call it a “small policing action to keep dictators in line” when over a million people were murdered in a war of aggression, propping up a dictator against a popular movement.