
According to the Telegraph, a leaked confidential Trump peace plan delivered to President Zelenskyy has caused panic in Kyiv.

The proposal would grant the U.S. half of revenues from Ukraine’s resource extraction and licensing, effectively amounting to economic colonization.

The Telegraph noted, “Trump’s demands would amount to a higher share of Ukrainian GDP than reparations imposed on Germany at the Versailles Treaty, later whittled down at the London Conference in 1921, and by the Dawes Plan in 1924.”

Simultaneously, the plan would absolve Russia for its invasion that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths.

    15 days ago

    In a democracy you should strive for having strong people and weak politicians that do as the people want.

    If you’re striving for having strongmen so you don’t have to do anything yourself, then you are being weak. And that’s why the US has gotten to be what it’s become: weak and lazy people looking for someone else to solve all of your problems. This is why Trump’s message of “vote fore me and you won’t need to vote ever again” resonates. You want someone to rule over you and figure out everything for you. This made the US ripe for a fascist takeover.

    Even now you’re whining about someone else not solving your problems for you. Didn’t vote? That’s the democrats fault. To cowardly to discuss politics with your family? That’s the democrats fault.

    In the end, you’re aligned with the fascists in your hatred of the opposition. It’s easier for you to sit back and complain about the opposition than to grow a spine and support the opposition regardless of what your family, peer group, or anyone else will think about for doing so.

      15 days ago

      Dude stop trying to put words in my mouth. I didn’t say any of that. I already explained why I thought the democrats were weak and it wasn’t for anything you just said. They are weak because they were trying to play by rules the other team clearly didn’t play by, they’re weak because they arrogantly thought they could keep power beyond their limit, they are weak because they stand for trends instead of standing with the people who vote for them and listening to their real problems. I can’t tell you how many times the democrats would come to my community begging for votes and making promises only to walk back on those promises and never come back until the next election promising to do it then.

      I never said anything about anyone ruling over me or making decisions for me. I’ve never whined about anyone else not solving my problems. Where did you even get that? I never even mentioned discussing politics with family, which I do, so why did you just make up more shit to throw against me.

      And finally you claim I’m aligned with fascist using the evidence you literally just made up. You are part of the problem. You don’t want to accept any criticism on the democrats but instead make up lies about what you claim I said or what you interpret. You don’t listen but you’ll use lies to discredit and silence me because I don’t agree with you.

      Everything in that post you claimed I said or that I represent is not true. Stop making shit up.

      15 days ago

      Got to admit, other guy had me till you said this. Props, man, you have an honestly better point.

      Problem is, this isn’t about strong or weak. This is about numbers. Too many people in the US are literally just hiding that they’re racist by being among like-minded bigots and not traveling, and then agreeing when wealthy assholes tell them their kids don’t need good education.

      Fact is, this proved something. Something scary. Those who remember history cannot stop it from repeating if evil also remembers history, which is impossible to prevent entirely.

      In other words, we have no guarantees. We never did. We’re fucking doomed, we always were. We are all going to die and there was never a goddamn thing anyone could do about it.

        15 days ago

        Apathy is the big reason for this. About 1/3 of the eligible voters didn’t bother to vote. And Trump gained support among black and hispanic voters. Ignorance and apathy were the big drivers of this. And ignorance stems from people too apathetic to learn anything.

        And no, democracy is never guaranteed. Some pretty words written by slave owners over a hundred years ago was never going to guarantee democracy. It’s just paper. What makes democracy survive is people making an effort to keep it going generation after generation. American exceptionalism created a false belief that the US couldn’t be anything other than a democracy. But despite all the chest thumping about freedom and democracy from Americans, it turns out not enough people were willing to make an effort to learn who they were voting for or in many cases even to bother voting at all. That was all that was needed, but it was too much for Americans to bother doing.

        There are things Americans can be doing right now, but this Canadian thinks the USA has become a nation that’s centered greed and apathy rather than a country of freedom and democracy. I’d be happy if Americans could prove me wrong by fighting back in any way they could, but it looks to me the US lacks the will to save itself.

          14 days ago

          You don’t understand. You know why 1997-2001 was a period of optimism? We thought we were finally SAFE, geopolitically-speaking.

          Now - in the aftermath of 9//1, 2008 and two Trump administrations, we are convinced we will NEVER be geopolitically safe.

          People do not have children if they do not have a sense (even an illusion) of geopolitical safety. When people literally have geopolitical PTSD from all this, and cannot trust ANY government, ANY corporation, ANY religion, ANY ideology, when NOTHING is viewed as a way to de-stress yourself…

          We have a serious problem. Expect birth rates to start plummeting ~9 months from now, because the new quote is “history repeats, even if you remember it”.

          15 days ago

          If you have 1/3 of eligible voters not voting and loyal voters switching up on you then whose fault is that? You are blaming those voters who didn’t vote for who you wanted then to vote for. Why haven’t you looked at the party and ask why their message didn’t resonate or why they didn’t convince those people to vote for the Dems? The Democrats failed. They will continue to fail unless they figure out why they aren’t connecting to voters, what voters actually want, and how to change into something good for the people, the country, and can get votes.

            15 days ago

            You don’t understand. I don’t think there was a lack of votes. You have to lose your job to vote because your boss won’t let you get off work until after the polls close. That’s always been the case.

            There is an actual cheat code built into the legal system in Georgia that almost nobody knew about; a Jim Crow law that says anyone can declare anyone else in their county ineligible to vote for any or even no reason. A law meant to be used for oppressing black people fittingly was used as a tool of oppression in last year’s election. A bunch of people each declared 32,000 people per person, across several counties - and yes the victims were mostly African-Americans - ineligible to vote. They didn’t even know WHY they were ineligible until very recently. This is literally a stolen election.

              14 days ago

              OK so we’re gonna assume that what you said is true because I don’t feel like verifying it. The Republicans were mobilized and went out of their way to suppress votes as they always do. That much is true. What were the Democrats doing? Why didn’t they stop that from happening? The Republicans were mobilized so why weren’t the Democrats just as mobilized to stop them? Here in Ohio the Republicans did everything they could to spread misinformation in order to keep gerrymandering districts but the democrats couldn’t stop the spread of misinformation.

              But I stand by what I said. The Democrats are weak because they couldn’t stop the Republicans. They need to change their strategy or continue to loose elections.

                14 days ago

                My point is that it no longer matters. You’re not living in a democracy anymore, Trump stole his position. He is an unelected dictator. The electoral process means nothing until, at the very least, he’s forced back out of power. Worst case, democracy in the US is permanently dead and my country is on his chopping block.

                That being said, I’ll edit my post if I can confirm the thing about Georgia, for now I agree it’s only prudent to take what I’m saying with a grain of salt. Believing misinformation is what got us here in the first place, you’re right to call me into question.

                  14 days ago

                  Wait you’re Canadian? Well duh, this is a server for both countries.

                  So let me be clear I wasn’t trying to call you out on what happened in Georgia, I just don’t know because I don’t live there and I didn’t want to do the research. Also I think you Canadians need to focus more on Canada and divest from America. The Republicans have shown who they are and that they’ll do whatever it takes to keep and hold power. Best for the other countries to act accordingly and work amongst themselves.

                  Also I am aware of the threats Trump made against Canada, Greenland, Panama, and Mexico. I would like to believe that he won’t act on it, someone in the cabinet will stop him, or the military will refuse to invade our allies but I have no faith. All I can say is good luck to you guys and I didn’t vote for him.