Yeah it definitely sucked when the British Empire was dominant. But when their power declined, we had two world wars.
Yeah it definitely sucked when the British Empire was dominant. But when their power declined, we had two world wars.
Because Luke Skywalker said it’s legit? https://youtu.be/jDEqM3-hQuQ
There was a Russian state media reporter in the room tho.
Watch the interview. Trump is scared shitless over the potential of WW3 and UK and France have nukes. If NATO (less US) decided to do something in Ukraine, the most Trump would do is impose tariffs, which is something he was going to do anyway.
This interview proved Trump to be a coward.
That’s not how it works. MAD requires an existential threat to a country. Not simply the ability to maybe take out one city. You have to have the capability to completely destroy a country for MAD to take effect.
You also need second strike capability otherwise that one nuke is a target. Russia figures out where Ukraine’s nuclear weapons are location, they do a first strike. There’s a reason why most nuclear powers have submarines capable of nuclear strikes. Hard to take them out with a first strike.
Canada and Libya never had nuclear weapons.
Libya tried to develop nuclear weapons but never had them. Also they weren’t invaded, there was an uprising that toppled Qaddafi.
Canada was involved with the Manhattan Project, and could have had nukes, but decided against it.
Because Trump actually does want to use economic warfare against an ally to at the very least gain control of Canada’s resources if not get get political control of Canada. Tariffs are coming next week.
There’s a difference between wanting to temporarily move civilians away from a warzone and permanently displacing people to build a resort.
There’s a lot Trump regret going on right now… but you may have a lot of uncommitted regret going on that’s making you say ridiculous things.
Uhh… you brought up how it’s similar to the Abraham accords without any kind of nuance. I added a small amount of additional detail. But instead of accepting your initial comparison lacked nuance, you’re trying to play the uno reverse card which is an immature (and dishonest) style of discussion.
Well Palestinians were involved with negotiating the Oslo accords, and that gave rise to Hamas anyway. Palestine is a fascist society and as you say there isn’t much point in having an agreement with fascists unless there’s some kind of military force to ensure they follow it. At this point Palestine is just a proxy in Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” and it doesn’t seem like Iranians much care how many Arabs die so long as it hurts their enemies. It makes sense for Arab countries to work together with Israel against their common adversary of Iran. Trying to keep normalized relations between Iran’s adversaries as some kind of motivator in a vain hope that Iran’s proxies will suddenly make a peace agreement separate from the country that’s funding them is a little naive.
With Ukraine it’s the opposite way. It’s Russia that’s the fascist society and yeah, there needs to be military guarantees that they won’t do as Hamas does and just build up their forces and strike when it suits them while ignoring any agreement made.
Well it’s hard to know for sure when trying to figure out the motivation of a crazy person, but it’s probably a combo of wanting to change things on maps, thinking tariffs are a good replacement for having any kind of taxes on the wealthy, wanting Canadian resources for free, not understanding what a trade deficit is, and of course being obsessed with money. Also he probably has a grudge against Canada because Trudeau made fun of him and he’s a small and petty man that’s been given power.
There’s also wanting to emulate his buddies Putin and Xi.
That would be stupid. When Italians were conscripted to fight against British soldiers in Africa, most of them didn’t even like Mussolini. So what did they do? The surrendered and sat the rest of the war out.
That wouldn’t have happened if the allies had a policy of mutilating their prisoners.
Fascism is a hate movement, and hatred is self-destructive. You can’t defeat an enemy with hatred you’ll only destroy yourself.
Offer an out for those that want to sit it out. Those that won’t, are targets that need to be eliminated. Not a target of your fucked up torture fantasies.
“Let’s just not have political parties anymore, that’ll solve everything!” - Mature person on the internet
Who would’ve thought that when you massacre villages it would result in a war?
Yeah, China’s not in even though it’s the second largest economy in the world. In the 90s it almost became G-8 to include Russia, but then Putin screwed that up.
It’s not all that different of a situation from Russia being kicked out because of Putin’s shenanigans, really.
Should try to get Brazil to leave BRICS and join the G-7 club. The US could go be in BRICS bullshit (or maybe then it’d be called the USRICS?) with the other authoritarian assholes of the world.
It’s a problem with polls, they don’t give enough options and many times and the few options they give mean different to different people. If the US were an enemy I’d be too busy trying to figure out how to blow shit up in the US to have this conversation. That’s what I consider the word enemy to mean. We’re not there yet.
I’d classify the US as an adversary though. A country I’m opposing by non-violent means.
Pffft… Nowhere near as distasteful as Donald Trump turning the USA into a nation that’s all about betraying allies for money.
Slavery in the British Empire ended a generation before slavery ended in the US.
Sorry, but USA was founded on hypocrisy, pretty words about freedom and equality set down on paper by slave masters.
Everyone else in the world knows you get freedom by voting for it in election after election. Only Americans believe that freedom is granted by deified slave masters.
I was there the day the strength of men failed.
We may not have a choice, Trump’s tariffs may kill GM.
There is a Volkswagen EV plant that’s being constructed in Canada now, and we’re totally cool with more things like that happening ;)