ID: teen @COMMIEdaughter posted: “please do not use words like “policeman” or “policewoman.” Use gender neutral terms like “tools of the capitalist bourgeoisie and enemy of the people”.”

    2 months ago

    Youre right, the police do have a monopoly on violence and will kidnap you for meeting violence with violence, as they can’t have their monopoly or their authority questioned. Although, I don’t consider that a good thing, myself.

    The role of the police has and will always be to protect the assets of the rich. Everything else they do is a side hustle to justify their authority. Please dont get me wrong, some of those side hustles are very important but that’s not what they’re for. Nearly every modern police force is built on either or a combination of the British police officer or the American. One started as a private security force to protect wealthy peoples assets from starving people during the bread riots and the other was founded by slave catchers.

    Every single police force started out that way and i just don’t think you can build from or reform-away that kind of foundation.