The people who complain about this shit are running governments and corporations and controlling society, wtf are you talking about?
The people who complain about this shit are running governments and corporations and controlling society, wtf are you talking about?
You’re really narrowing down a much much bigger issue to try and make it digestible. But the patriarchy is systemic. Misogyny is systemic. Male privilege is systemic. Gamergate is a symptom, and honestly, a mild one at that.
Privilege and with it an overinflated sense of entitlement, which result in the most fragile of egos (E: see downvote ration lmao).
That’s at best.
At worst, and on top of the above, is conscious and deliberate misogyny and the unwillingness to give the privileges up.
This is the teeny-tiniest tip of the iceberg, but it sounds like you are willing to challenge your views and perceptions, so jump in, it (E: patriarchy, misogyny, feminism, intersectionality, and on and on…) is a terrifying, but also extremely well documented rabbit hole, just start looking…
They can transfer the moderation of the community in question to you.
To add to this, if OP doesn’t actually want to become moderator of the community themselves, there are still other options - the instance admins can transfer the community moderation to a third person (I seem to remember there was even a dedicated community for finding new mods to take over dead communities), or they could potentially find a similar community on another instance.
Nothing as American as the exploitation of Black bodies…
I personally downvoted it because it’s a terrible idea, op wants to leave the US, not sign their life and soul away to it.
Oh, I get it, I just think it plays in to their rhetoric more than it contradicts it.
They’re grasping at any and every “he’s not a nazi” straw they can find or make up, this just gives them another one to grasp to, because they wouldn’t see or care about your intent, all they see is someone deliberately avoiding directly saying “musk is a nazi” or “what makes him a nazi is…”, which is exactly their tactic and feeds in to their cognitive dissonance.
You’re giving him the degree of separation they’re looking for, which he does not deserve.
So again, I understand what you’re trying to do, but I think that not explicitly saying “musk is a nazi because…” is counterproductive.
Yeah, I get where you’re coming from, and I like your design (though agree it could be a little easier to read) but feel like this is playing in to the “he’s not a nazi” narrative his supporters are trying to push, when he is in fact, a nazi, as well as a regime enabling industrialist. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, and we should be calling the nazi spade a nazi spade at every opportunity.
Thank you! 😂
E: I even said how I can see it being useful in some applications, but fuck, if I’m looking at the date it’s almost certainly to see what day it is today, what day (and maybe month) an appointment is, what day some food is going off, stuff like that. I know what month and year it is right now, and if I want to know the time, I look at a clock, not a calendar. If they love extra and often unnecessary information so much they’re free to use whatever format they want, but I’m good, and so are many others, and they just need to learn to be ok with that lmao
So it’s just adding the American format (which categorically does not demonstrate how a month and day can still be conveyed in order of significance, but literally the opposite) in to the mix and not providing any help or making things any simpler lol
Thanks for explaining, but if the person who introduced the 1-26 concept in to the conversation (and could have easily just said “MM/DD” to make their point significantly clearer), or the other person with their lecture are actually trying to change my, or anyone else’s mind, or make their personal preference more appealing to others, this (making things more complicated, when they are already perfectly straightforward, just not how they like it) isn’t the fucking way to do it lmmfao
don’t argue for your point with arguments that can easily be debunked.
I literally said I don’t know what a thing means (and now that you’ve explained, it’s a useless instruction to give me, since all it does is add extra steps for those of us already perfectly happy with the European format lmfao), and made no assertion beyond my personal preference, kindly get off your fucking high horse.
You can do 1-26
I don’t know what this means, also I don’t have to adhere to anything, the European format works perfectly well for me, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe in programming or technical documentation, but no, when I check the date I want to know the day and the month, beyond that, it’s all unnecessary information for everyday use, and we have it right in Europe.
You can’t change my mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes, exactly, thanks for summing it up so concisely!
Where did I even mention exercise and diet?
This was 20-25 years ago, I don’t think it matters anymore, but I appreciate the sentiment lol
I somehow managed to get through to a radio show that was having a giveaway, and answered their question correctly. I won tickets to a concert, and a load of their sponsor’s merch. I was still young, but even then I knew my luck was shit, so I was really excited even though I didn’t like the band I was going to see lol
Didn’t matter.
The tickets arrived the day after the concert had happened, and the merch was all either factory seconds or used (so all slightly damaged in some way - a stain, an undone seam, a broken clasp). I tried calling to let them know, but all they did was send another load of damaged merch.
Off the top of my head, that’s the one and only thing I’ve ever won.
I really do have shit luck lol
This made me think of
Also, fuck trying to inflict ABA sort of bullshit on ADHD’rs as well as autists, it’s ableist from the core and is all about making us “productive members” of ableist capitalist society, rather than happy well cared for individuals, and is a huge contributor to stress and feelings of inadequacy and of being burden.
Sure, coping strategies are good and important, but they should solely be to benefit the patient, not make the patient more beneficial (and acceptable) to others.
The more inclusive and accessible society is, the less stress marginalised people are exposed to for being “other”.
pEOpLe rEFuSINg To bE aROunD NAzIs aRe the ONeS whO crEAte ThE reAL hOSTILitY 🙄
You’ve answered you’re own question - they put it out there so they can say they tried, people didn’t like it, so we’ll continue as we were, with them (patriarchal entertainment execs and the patriarchal capitalists who fund them) maintaining their positions.