• werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    So this offensive Mexican joke is that several people of different nationalities are jumping from an airplane. They all realize that their back pack has no function except for the American. He jumps, pulls the chord, a parachute opens and he lands safely. Then the rest jump but their parachute is just a backpack. So, mid air, they all begin to pray. Each pray for different soft things to land on… For example the French man would pray “dios mio, dios mio que caiga end in colchon” which translated to English is “my god, my god have me land on a cushion/mattress”. Fast forward to our Mexican representative who is usually either Indian/indigenous or from some place like Chiapas where people are short, brown and speak funny due to all the China, Japan and Filipino trade of years past…they fake the accent by saying “diosico” instead of “diosito” which translates to “little God” God in an endearing way. But since we already spent too long on the joke, he has no time to finish his prayer…" Diosico, diosico! Que caiga diosico! Splat!.. He falls mouth first on the ground became diosico sounds also like “de osico” which translates to " from the mouth" worst is that osico is the word for a beast’s mouth like a bear, a horse or a dog. At this point everybody laughs. As I am now older, much older and American… So wiser… I realize just how shitty Mexican racism is towards the most vulnerable Mexicans of which group I am one of. Anyway, I hope this helps. Maybe someone can make it Russian and tell putin he’s an imbecile.

    • Akasazh@feddit.nl
      3 months ago

      I see! Thnx for the detailed explanation. This does how information dense silly jokes can be.