Canada should get nukes ASAP.
Canada should get nukes ASAP.
Unregulated capitalism in a nutshell.
It usually is. Its a high risk gamble that can lead to basically anyghing. And probably that anything will be bad for the poor. Reformism and organized labor is a safer path towards increased equality. But maybe that ship has sailed for the US…
I used to be pro UBI. Now I’m not so sure. The only resilient tool for increased equality is an organized work force that has real economic power. Workers on UBI has no real power and the UBI can be taken away anytime by those in power.
And if AI takes all jobs… Well, lets cross that bridge when we get there. Maybe we simply have to hope for that crypto bro UBI solution. Qualia will be our last currency.
For the US, my guess is: within the next 4 years. Inflation will be insane. Lets hope blue collar can organize and leverage the situation.
Because of neoliberalism. Its quite simple.
They should’ve done that years ago. Twitter was a shit show long before Elon took over. And there are barely any normies on X. So public official presence isn’t necessary. Neither from a democratic nor an election winning viewpoint.
Or rather, Canada should invite some blue leaning states to join their far superior project.
Probably true even if you’re a Muslim.
Anyway, the one dimensional political scale is useless (though for western alt-right movements it’s been quite useful). And most socialist movements have been nationalistic and internationalistic. If a country has to provide welfare to all citizens of the world, to be considered left-wing, well do you know of any such example?
The german national socialists, which you might be referring to, were not very left-wing on economic policy. At least not after 1934. Both the national socialists and the danish social democrats advocate some form of corporatism, but the Danish social democratic version is much more social leaning and labor unions are independent and relatively powerful.
When it comes to economic policy, they are.
That would be the rational and just thing of course. But this time I gave them a bit of slack, since they removed Sweden from their royal weapon. Maybe silly…
Maybe imperialist is a better word. I’m not sure if the definition of “colonial” require that the subject population was there first.
Thanks from a fellow Swede! Basically the only thing I know about Greenland is that it’s a good place if you want to get really really drunk. And then there is the old colonial issue. Never talked to a Greenlander, but the Icelanders I know seem to still be quite hostile towards Denmark, so I just extrapolate from there. Different ethnicity probably don’t make things easier.
Let’s hope you’re right. My point was basically that the US has many tools at their disposal. Especially when rules of yesterday don’t apply.
The population is so small that the US easily can give each individual a million dollar. And far less will probably be enough. So we can be certain that the locals will say yes if there is a vote.
This will unite the left and right in Denmark. And Denmark is probably the most left-wing country in the world, if you look at economic policy (maybe Norway beats them).
However, one should not forget that Denmark-Greenland is a real colonial problem, and Greenland deserves independence.
Still, I side with Denmark in this conflict. They should not be bullied into anything by US fascists that for sure will be even worse colonial overlords.
I’m a bit disappointed they removed Sweden from their shield. Lack of ambition.
Where I live.
The master plan… 🥸