Sounds like a great book that will sell well and sit on bedside tables in piles of books that people really need to read soon.
who are you and why are you attacking me like this
first draft is done
The most unrealistic part of this comic lol
More like, how to survive without the required psychopathic tendencies.
“I really don’t want to cut the legs out from under my fellow people so I can get my bread. That’s mean.”
“Well hey now we just call that ‘being competitive in the workplace’. How are you going to hold a basic job and keep paying your bills under this system then?”
My favorite is all the “time management / your own business / quit your job / you can follow your dreams too” books.
Every inside cover: "Bob McBourgoi was just like you, making $500k a year in a soulless corporate job, but like you, he wanted something more from life.
He decided to quit that job (so scary!) and use a fraction of his $80k in savings and a humble plea for a $100k loan from his parents (so brave!) to start on his dream life of being a (game designer / pet stylist / interior vibe checker / indie band frontman / painter).
It was super risky. Could he really tell his Real Housewife that he was turning down the cashflow for a few months? But he took the leap. What a brave guy.
He even wrote this book. All by himself. Definitely. It includes such advice as “If you just believe in yourself” and “manifest that dream” so you too, can do something with your life that’s actually your choice."
Bonus points for “Have you tried using a calendar?” And “The clock is a useful tool to know what time it is.”
Obvious for everyone else, and ADHD kids go screw (y)ourselves basically lol.