It’s not even surprising anymore platforms do this & act all Pikachu face why piracy is spiking
Netflix & all these streaming platforms have completely lost touch & they will lose more customers in the long run
To quote Gabe Newell on Piracy
“We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable.”
Cable TV exists
Customers hate it and people start pirating
Netflix comes around, other streaming services
People happy, piracy goes down
Streaming services go back to the way cable was, increased prices, reduced content, started bundling shit you don’t want.
Customers start pirating again
Surprised Pikachu face
Maybe if we put ads in and take away the ability to download content foe offline use?
NO! I’ve got something better!
We make the ads guilt you into using ad blockers! Then we pepper your active streaming with ADs every 30 seconds! YOU WILL BUY! YOU WILL CONSOOME!
I accidentally pirate crap I have legitimate access to because I can’t be bothered to figure out which damn platform its on. I have access to quite a few through work due to my industry at no out of pocket costs.
The times I try to actually search for something, it’ll be listed on multiple platforms but 0 to 1 of those platforms will actually have what I’m looking for included with the subscription forcing me to manually check each one.
It is easier to just pirate.
Rotten Tomatoes will usually say where it’s streaming. Or a quick Google search of “(TV show) where streaming” will get you there. At least it used to, Google is shit these days so who knows. is my go to
Cerement linked it in their comment
JustWatch also has direct links to IMBD in their descriptions.
Yes. I use it as my first step for sailing. See if it’s on a service I have then grab the imdb identifier if it’s not. Very handy if you sail old school manually like I do.
That info can go stale quickly as content licensing changes. I’ve ran into that plenty.
Depends on the country though as well. Its probably pretty easy to figure out for big ones like the USA, but in smaller countries its often a mess…
when you need the modern equivalent of TV Guide just to find a show …
Yeah that’s called the *arr suite
Your case would apply for the legitimate use of streamio, where you can log into all the services and you can watch whatever through that service’s credentials.
What services can I connect to Stremio? Max?
I have never used the intended features (torrentio ftw) but in this page they have a stack of app icons. There’s prime video, netflix, HBO, disney…
I despise ads. I can’t even bring myself to watch Netflix or Amazon Prime. If there is advertising, it ain’t worth it, no matter how cheap.
There’s not enough of us, but I still don’t care. I refuse to pay to watch ads. Also, I had Prime and they wouldn’t let me watch high def with firefox on Linux, so even though I paid for it, I had to hit the high seas to watch content in high def.
There’s not enough of us, but I still don’t care. I refuse to pay to watch ads.
i had this conversation with my dad recently about how shitty everything is now with ads etc, and his response boiled down to “i don’t care enough”. sucks to see people being complacent in being subject to greedy corporate whims. as much as i want people with that mindset to care, i have no idea how to effectively argue against “i don’t care”.
Idk what age your dad is, but I’m 53 (gen-x) and my generation are notorious for being difficult to market to. Maybe he just blanks it out, like an automatic mute button. I used to do that but ads are far too mentally disruptive for me these days. I’ve had enough.
Mass market subscription services won’t offer ad-free precisely because of the mass market exposure available to advertisers. You need to look to niche services instead, where a critical proportion of subscribers (say 30%) won’t tolerate ads as opposed to 1%. Maintaining an ad-free option in such a case is basic business sense. Not only that, you’ll find the ads-on tiers are more respectful of people’s attention and intellect when it comes to ad content and presentation.
invest in a nas instead of subscriptions.
Dear Netflix, I’ve been a loyal customer since 2013. I’ve been perfectly happy with our arrangement. YOU are the one terminating our contract, not me. It seems you’d prefer to get rid of a happy, paying customer in the hopes you can somehow persuade them to embrace a higher cost or shittier experience (ads). That’s a bold move Cotton. Buh-bye dons pirate hat
AOL still has 1.5 million active monthly subscribers. People forget to cancel subscriptions all the time.
Subscriptions are a great way to sell a service to someone who isn’t using it, and when they want to cancel it getting the spent money on something never used is generally impossible.
IMO for something like a streaming service… if you don’t stream a minute of video in a month you shouldn’t have to pay anything.
thing is, most of us should of known, they pulled this same crap back when they tried forcing everyone to drop the physical discs and switch to streaming only …
They have billions of dollars i have hundreds. I’m sure they’ll survive me not giving them any of my hard earned money
Yeah but for a publicly traded company, quarterly growth is the name of the game. If the numbers go down long enough, it’s game over for them.
Won’t somebody please think about the shareholders?
very much a convenience factor – Apple broke the MP3 sharing scene with the simplicity (at the time) of iTunes – video streaming started out simple but now it’s turned into cable TV, trying to find out which service is streaming a particular show, if it’s region-locked, or gated behind a premium upgrade, or just been dropped completely, or two services are still arguing over who gets the rights, or find out all the seasons are on one service except one season is on another service …
Was iTunes popular outside of the US? Everyone I know hated they intrusive software and DRM that prevented you from playing the songs elsewhere. Don’t think I know a single person who actually purchased music there.
(Not US). I was burnt by Sony’s Mini disc DRM BS, so when iTunes came along I recognised the slimy DRM and steered well clear so much so I have never owned an apple device much less bought music from them.
Infamous implies somebody is famous in a negative way. If anything, Gabe is a shining example that should be upheld.
I think in this example it could go either way, depending on who is viewing it.
Regular people would say he’s famous.
People running streaming platforms and other big corpos (especially Tim Sweeny) might say he’s infamous.
“Infamous” - that means more than famous!
Found the El Guapo fan.
they get everything they deserve.
The pikachu face is capitalism working as intended, instead of the corrupt capitalism they’re used to with regions of the world carved up/tariffs/government buying the product if you’re having a bad year.
Guys running the one platform be like “they’re pirating our show,” other guy hosting a different platform be like “no, in this region it’s us hosting that show so it’s us they’re pirating from,” third guy hosting another platform be like “next month it’s our platform that’ll be hosting it so it’ll be us they’re pirating from”, fourth guy hosting another platform be like “we’re the guys authorized to actually be selling that show in this region at this time, so they’re also pirating from us”, fifth guy also hosting another platform be like “wait, they’re also pirating this show only we’re authorized to stream but we don’t offer our service in that country”
Pirate be like “I host everything”
(Not justifying it, just saying Gabe was right)
Gabe is right, but what a lot us fail to realize in Lemmyland is that it increasingly doesn’t matter. $BigCorp is spending hard to turn it into a technology issue.
The only thing that keeps me with subscriptions is the cartoons my daughter watches, because they are hard to find dubbed in my language (Portuguese). It’s still more convenient to subscribe than try to find the dubbed cartoons online. For everything I watch I use my arr stack.
There are still plenty of good deals in streaming if you have shifted to on-demand. If you want live TV or sports, they’re out to gouge the fuck out of you. Luckily my Wife came around to on-demand only and an antenna. Of course, they’re trying hard to take away the antenna option from everyone with ATSC 3.0.