proprietary, corporate-backed desktop
But how does that differ from Fedora or Ubuntu, besides popularity?
proprietary, corporate-backed desktop
But how does that differ from Fedora or Ubuntu, besides popularity?
Yeah, honestly given the time this has been at play I’m surprised nobody has tried to do that type of full control integration besides Google. Given how well ChromeOS and especially Android worked as platforms why hasn’t… I don’t know, Valve? Adobe? Apple, even? tried to create a major desktop PC take on Linux that does have the type of support and sensible UX you want out of the box?
I agree. However if you look through the other comments in here, you’ll see a LOT more examples of stuff that fall into the “it just doesn’t work” category instead. And most of them are a lot more obvious to casual / new users. Those would be the ones that really require priority if Linux is ever to become mainstream.
Because, please don’t make that recommendation to anybody else. Of all the places for somebody to start contributing to open source, linux is probably among the top in complexity. And if it’s a new user, as per the original topic of this post, and they can’t figure out their issue from the million guides online, you’re just ensuring they make a speedy return to windows.
- someone complaining about something openly instead of using the proper channels
I refer you back to my original statement. I was not asking how to do something. I was grousing that basic tasks are extremely user-unfriendly to configure. I’ve fixed it on my computer. That’s not the topic under discussion.
- someone suggesting they use the proper channels
What proper channels? We’re in a post claiming it’s the YOTLD again, because OP apparently doesn’t realise it’s been claimed every year for the last couple decades. I’m posting about why that’s not gonna happen this year either.
- they denying that its an issue they can help fix but a general failing of the software/vendor (typical proprietary software-user behavior)
I could fix it. However, I have no intention of opening a PR and spending what little free time I have contributing to open source (I’ll contribute money, but not my time). Kudos to those who do write and maintain open source, but that’s not for me.
- & 5.
I think you can see how we’ve diverged into entirely different directions already.
I’m on Mint, which is one of the most-recommended distros to newbs around. Good luck persuading new users that they should change their distro every time they run into an issue like this. However you may choose to word it, these are exactly the issues that will stop widespread adoption.
Also, I’d like to know which distro actually supports autoscroll.
Ditto. I set up my first triple boot (win/mac/linux, fun times) system 2 decades ago. I was a teen then with all the time in the world to dive into this stuff. Now? I just want something that works and doesn’t consume a free day whenever I want to customise a new option. If Linux is too user-unfriendly for me, good luck with the average user.
Linux is like democracy. It’s the worst OS except for all the others that exist.
A more classic example of linux users pushing others away, I could not have come up with.
“I have so-and-so issue”
“Fork the OS and fix it yourself!”
Yeah, no. I already spend 8 hours a day programming, I’d like my free time to be spent elsewhere, thanks.
If minor issues like this bother you while major issues like data collection and ad pushing dont
As I pointed out, I’m using it because MS is screwing the pooch with those issues.
you dont want to participate in making linux better by submitting bug reports
These are known issues, and have been around for more than a decade. They’re not bugs, they’re missing basic features. But sure, go ahead and assume stuff.
Its very much like owning a house or a ranch. You‘re free of others and can do whatever you like. But you do have to do your own maintenance.
If you want to go back paying rent for a shoebox apartment, thats your choice.
It’s probably closer to renting a apartment vs owning a shack (or it was, before said screwing of said pooch). You can upgrade it into a mansion if you want, but that’s not where you start.
Honestly, I am so tempted to ditch Linux because of minor issues like this. No autoscroll on scroll wheel, no option for mono audio, etc etc. I do not want to set up a million scripts to customise my experience, I want the options to be there by default. If MS wasn’t screwing the pooch I probably would have moved back at some point.
I don’t really understand the argument of “people will use what ships.”
Because that’s just how things are. Why do you think Google pays billions yearly to be the default search engine wherever they can?
Most of the points listed here don’t matter a hoot to the average user.
Infamous implies somebody is famous in a negative way. If anything, Gabe is a shining example that should be upheld.
No offence, but you need to learn the difference between someone implying their experience is universal and a post simply just not being about you
It also makes it way easier to convert some adults
For sale: Baby shoes, still worn
Put Gimli in retail and watch him pull out his battleaxe.
Yes, I was trying to keep it to a non-technical ELI5
In what sense? Incompetence, dodginess, or fake screenshot?
You’re suggesting that every user should learn programming. All 8 billion people. How do you not see the ridiculousness of that suggestion.