Tech tycoon Elon Musk joined a call between US President-elect Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky the day after the presidential election, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
People say this all the time and it’s nonsense. The amount of delta V required is too large. Just launch them far enough to leave earth’s orbit and after that who cares? Russell’s Teapot becomes Russell’s Billionaire and everything goes back to normal.
I don’t want aliens finding his dna in billions of years and reviving him. Probably the meanest thing we could do to another species is giving them fifth element version of elon
Exactly. You’d need 28.9km/s of Delta V to get something from the earth to the sun, because your starting velocity is the 107000km/h of the earth and you have to slow down that much.
Instead it takes only 2.9km/s to send Musk to mars and make him fullfil his promise of humans on mars by 2024 (well, he won’t arrive this year as the trip takes 8 months, but we could forgive him that)
Russia is our enemy and Musk is committing espionage/treason by discussing American foreign policy with Russian officials, especially as someone with clearance.
The Florida panhandle in the northeast gets the most hurricane activity by far. This is primarily due to the AMOC moving northeast from the Gulf of Mexico, creating a cooler pocket of turbulence on Florida’s east coast.
I guess the one good thing that will come from Trump’s acceleration of climate change will be when the AMOC breaks down, Mar-A-Lago will be unplayable soon after. Unfortunately, the UK will also lose most of its arable land, so it’s not really a great trade-off.
I wish someone would do the right thing by strapping Elon to a rocket and launching it directly into the sun. The world needs a lot less billionaires.
People say this all the time and it’s nonsense. The amount of delta V required is too large. Just launch them far enough to leave earth’s orbit and after that who cares? Russell’s Teapot becomes Russell’s Billionaire and everything goes back to normal.
If you take the rocket and let it sink into the ocean, you don’t even need fuel.
Yea just put all of them on a submarine. It’s a method that has already been proven to work, along with guillotines!
I don’t want aliens finding his dna in billions of years and reviving him. Probably the meanest thing we could do to another species is giving them fifth element version of elon
Thankfully there’s nothing particularly special about Elons DNA and so whatever they produce from it will be an especially sub-par human.
Elon, like Trump, are cut from the same cloth: family wealth.
Oh my god! Elon is Zorg! How did I never see that?!
Elon is Zorg.
I’d say the zorg from amazon but apparently that’s a different asshole
Lol at least Zorg admitted to being evil.
and was pretty charming. much more natural and human than elon.
The way he wields that stupid flamethrower around employees and such is SO Zorg!
Exactly. You’d need 28.9km/s of Delta V to get something from the earth to the sun, because your starting velocity is the 107000km/h of the earth and you have to slow down that much.
Instead it takes only 2.9km/s to send Musk to mars and make him fullfil his promise of humans on mars by 2024 (well, he won’t arrive this year as the trip takes 8 months, but we could forgive him that)
Go high enough and he either dies of cold or lack of oxygen.
Russia is our enemy and Musk is committing espionage/treason by discussing American foreign policy with Russian officials, especially as someone with clearance.
Don’t launch it into the sun. There’s a perfectly good Mar a Lago down in Florida.
Why have the hurricanes avoided that place? Why can’t one good thing happen?
The Florida panhandle in the northeast gets the most hurricane activity by far. This is primarily due to the AMOC moving northeast from the Gulf of Mexico, creating a cooler pocket of turbulence on Florida’s east coast.
I guess the one good thing that will come from Trump’s acceleration of climate change will be when the AMOC breaks down, Mar-A-Lago will be unplayable soon after. Unfortunately, the UK will also lose most of its arable land, so it’s not really a great trade-off.
Grandpa Joe has an itchy drone strike finger
Supreme burritos ruled hes King, so… you know, go for it Jack
Dark Brandon’s Final Showdown.
Too difficult. Much easier to send someone out of orbit than into the sun.
Into the sun is too classy, and expensive IMO.
My head canon. Remember when Elon launched a Tesla into space and there was a space suit in the drivers seat. He was in the suit.
The lizard people saw him as a liability and replaced him.
Lets crowdfund it
Sun is actually hard to reach. You need NASA. I’m sure their happy to help.
Well, wishes achieve nothing