If it’s multilang it’s better.
Thx in advice.
MaM (myanonamouse) is like the library of Alexandria
MAM is why I have a seedbox.
- https://www.myanonamouse.net/ (private tracker but relatively easy to enter as they have open interviews each Saturday and Wednesday if I remember correctly)
- InternetArchive
I’m not sure why no one suggested AudioBook Bay, but it is also quite good in my experience.
Unironically the library. Then just use something like Audiobookshelf to organize your collection.
Every pirate should have a library card.
Everyone in general
The library in my town is nothing fancy like the ones from the USA (just old old educational books and I got caught on some books of the first PC viruses lol), but hey, at least they had this gem.
Ones here in the states vary a lot from place to place. Some places have absolutely everything, books, movies, games, tools, makerspaces (or at least 3d printers), computers etc.
But most city libraries outside if your big big ones are still relatively small. My local one is about the size of a small grocery store, real modest. Damn do the workers there pour their hearts and souls into it though, they’re always hosting events and stuff. Really appreciate our library workers. Main benefit is getting access to their network, which generally gets you a whole host of other stuff. Ebook rentals, audio book rentals, book transfers, etc.
It’s a shame what the GoP is trying to do to the American library system.
I get all my audiobooks from Libby
Whenever this question comes up I see myanonamouse recommended as a private tracker.
I just wanted to throw in that there is also a tracker called abtorrents which hosts audiobooks and ebooks, though I believe most or all of them are english.
I cannot speak as to the selection between those two unfortunately.
On Usenet altHUB and abook.link.
Mobilism dot org too