Downvotes duh
Does for 96% of the market lol
I use Windows because it just works
I lived in Paris for a year, speak french and respect people who work extremely difficult jobs in the most tourist-heavy city on the planet
I think I met three or four grumpy cunts in that year. Considering everything, that’s a miniscule percentage
Bear in mind these people aren’t being false-nice. They don’t rely on tips to feed their kids
premium economy
You can only pick one of these
at least somewhere in the world
The idea of “muh fReE sPeeCh” is an outdated, alien concept in every modern country. The US is the exception, as usual, not the rule
Most advanced
Dear god that’s the * direct opposite* of what the rest of us think 😂
High Citadel is one of the best action adventure books ever
Who complains the most about the so-called french “attitude”?
Brits and Yanks, the ones that think cleaners and waiters are beneath them and need to dance to earn tips
Makes sense
France - treating people the same no matter what they do for a living.
It’s really nice to be respected even if you’re a cleaner or a bin man, and very much deserved
Hold on, I’ll phone the Romans and ask them why they didn’t make the pont du Gard wheelchair accessible
In my dad’s era, a bit of crumpet was something completely different
I love monkey puzzle trees! They look like they’d be so easy to climb
I don’t like trying to climb them though
I forgot how adorable The Detectorists was :)
English/Russian/Dutch speaking btw
A pendantii
What’s the resistance of fuckin SPAM in ohms?
Really shitty source there, OP
Edit - OP edited it to something a bit better!