Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other European leaders have applauded the US for passing a vital €89 billion aid bill which has been struggling to make it through the House of Representatives for months.
The House swiftly approved roughly €89 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and other US allies in a rare Saturday session as Democrats and Republicans banded together after months of hard-right resistance over renewed American support for repelling Russia’s invasion.
With an overwhelming vote, €57 billion in aid for Ukraine passed in a matter of minutes, a strong showing as American lawmakers race to deliver a fresh round of US support to the war-torn ally. Many Democrats cheered on the House floor and waved blue-and-yellow flags of Ukraine.
Zelenskyy thanks US for opportunity to kill some tens/hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians more, as well as pocket a few billion dollars for himself and his friends.
Yeah, let Russia walz right through Ukraine and then Moldova - what could possibly go wrong! Apart from that, Russia is the one loosing hundreds of thousands soldiers. The difference in the way Ukraine mourns their lost ones is such, that calling Russia “Civilized” in any way is just a blatant lie. Russia is utterly disgusting.
You know that Zelensky is the one that is not willing to negotiate and just wants to murder as many people as he can?
For a war to end there needs to be a negotiation (with some quite rare exceptions of totally conquering another country or stalemates like in Koreas), and Russia is constantly saying (even when it’s winning) that it is willing to negotiate and end the war, in contrast to Zelensky.
How hypocritical do you have to be, to be on the side of those who are not willing to negotiate and continuing the war despite everything, and yet accuse the other side of wanting to conquer the world?
Putin has started the war and can end it at any time he pleases by removing his forces from the occupied regions of Ukraine.
The hypocrisy here just reached a new height.
The comment by another guy here says
And you say
Which is exactly dictating terms instead of negotiating, and exactly what I am talking about when I say that you are on the side of those who are not willing to negotiate.
You’re pulling an argument of another person into my argument and accuse me of hypocrisy based on that.
You are arguing in bad faith, have a nice day.
Ok sorry, both comments were heavily upvoted so I assumed this is the collective position, my bad.
Why would you even try to negotiate with a terrorist (and whatever else attributes Putin has attributed to him)? For a war to end, there needs to be a winner and a looser - Russia HAS to loose this, because they have been disregarding rules set by most international communities for over 100 Years.
Apart from that, Putin is not willing to negotiate - they are willing to dictated terms. That may just a be a tiny difference to your pea brain, but it’s a pretty huge one in reality. How cynical and fucked up does one have to be, to be willing to negotiate with terrorists? Not only that, how utterly depraved of any civility, intelligence and decency has anyone be, to accuse Ukraine of being “the bad guy” here?
Everybody is breaking them whenever it is convenient.
Well but how do you know that if you don’t negotiate? Your media told you so? Oh then it must be the truth, because it’s the other’s side media that spreads propaganda, the one that you listen to speaks the truth, am I right?
Why is almost every negotiation with the “clearly intelligently superior westerner leftists” boils down to Ad Hominem? Why do you never have a convincing argument and have to resort to personal attacks of people you disagree with?
Are you seriously talking about civility and decency while supporting a regime that hunts and kidnaps people on the streets sending them into the meat grinder? If this is what you call civility and decency, then I am indeed depraved of it.
That’s what Russians are telling themself to cope with the reality, that they don’t want to see. The reality is: Nobody is breaking them like Russia. Even China doesn’t do it like Russia does. For the most part, there is accountability in the rest of the world, corruption isn’t as rampant as it is in Russia.
No, you couldn’t be more wrong. “The Media” told me nothing, they just translate what Russia, Putin and his cronies are talking about and there are enough people speaking Russian to raise flags if they translate something wrong. Another thing Russian propaganda is trying to do, but failing for the most part. Sure, interviews can be taken out of context, but actions also speak louder than any words anyone can utter and what russia is doing is terrorizing innocent people, displace innocent children and rip families apart.
Because “we” are fucking tired of all these stupid antics that can’t even withstand a long hard view at the facts. All that shit about shifting the blame and goalposts, disregarding everything that was “before” is just exhausting and it doesn’t work/help anything, because every argument is met with more lies, propaganda, egoism and whataboutism.
See? That’s what is so utterly infuriating about you - there is not a single shred of evidence supporting this. No Report from anyone has ever talked about this, no interview with the people, no interview with soldiers - nothing. While the evidence Russia is doing exactly that is utterly crushing - there is absolutely zero doubt, because numerous people, outlets, pictures, satellite surveillance and various money laundering schemes reported independently the same thing over and over again.
And for what it’s worth: I’m not sure if i’m talking to ChatGPT or a proper human being, but if i’m talking to a real human being, nothing i will write here will get you off your high horse anyway, so this is more to all those people reading this in the future (if any), but let it be known that enough is enough and “the silent majority” is done being quiet.
Putin’s Evil Empire isn’t “everybody”.
Yes why do you support these guys? And why do you hate the Free World?
I support neither Russia nor Ukraine.
Because the Free World is currently conducting a genocide on Ukrainians
You cannot tell the difference between Russia and the Free World? What is wrong with you man?
Is it Russia that kidnaps Ukrainians on the streets and sends them to die? The last time I checked it was Zelensky’s regime.
The only ones conducting a genocide on Ukrainians are the Russians.
They could pull back any time they wanted and end the war this instant. But they choose to keep killing.
Nope, it’s Zelensky thanks to the support from the west. The only ones that can be considered killed by Russians are killed civilians and volunteers (those two groups together are barely a meaningful number). People who are kidnapped on the streets and sent to army are dead thanks to Zelensky and your (rather your government) support of him. If it were not for that, they would be alive (or at least they would have a much higher chance to be alive). If you are going to deny that, please take an effort to argument your position, as it is quite tiring to speak to a wall :/
You’re terrible at lying, not convinced at all. 2/10.
So what is it I lie about?
What is this leftist fetish of accusing people of lying, and not point out what they consider a lie (and I’m not even talking about proving the opponents wrong by providing some arguments, this clearly requires too much intelligence, right?)?..
Because it’s just easier to down vote and move along. We’re not being paid like you are. Plus, fascism is incredibly hard to stomach for normal people. You wouldn’t understand.
Sure, everybody who disagrees with your opinion is getting paid
You’re right, you could actually be a fascist and do it for free. Shrug Or you actually believe their propaganda, I guess… But if I were you I think I’d rather people believe I was being paid.
What a wonderful time we live in, expressing an opinion that murdering people is not OK is now considered fascist :)
Again, you did not even specify what propaganda do I believe? Seriously, why is everybody here so incapable of having a discussion?
Ok I’ll bite and play a guessing game with you.
Do you consider that “Zelenskyy is the one not negotiating while Russia has repeatedly said it is willing to negotiate” a propaganda?
If so, just let me know and I will give you sources for that, I just though that it is widely known?
The only ones killing Ukrainians are the Russians and their bloodthirsty lapdogs they send against their will into war.
Answered another one of your comment, but I’ll reiterate it here as well - the ones that are killing Ukrainians are Zelensky and his regime supported by the west, by “sending against their will into war”.
If not for that, those people would live, so their blood is on your hands.