It’s always amusing when some CHUD suddenly realizes that the Pentagon is one of the largest single employers in the middle of one of the most liberal places in the country.
what’s the implication? There’s lots of gay people working the CIA, and something happneed for them to not go to the gay bar?
Yeah, the implication is something is about to happen that the Pentagon is preparing for, and it’s keeping their employees working late and away from the gay bar as a result.
CIA/Pentagon/White House workers have lives. When something big goes down like …oh I don’t know…Iran getting spicy and launching hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel overnight, those lives get disrupted.
People work overtime and order takeout or aren’t able to go out on the town like they normally would so that makes changes to the usual data patterns in the DC area. So they say ramp ups in US military activity can be predicted by detecting those changes.
Can someone explain this?
It’s in reference to the old joke about Pizza being a source for OSINT, with anecdotes of orders increasing around the Pentagon when shits going down
In the 1990s, America believed in the predictive powers of pizza. Online anecdotes abounded: Pizza deliveries to the Pentagon doubled leading up to the Panama invasion at the turn of the decade. When Operation Desert Storm launched in January 1991, the Chicago Tribune published an account of a D.C. pizzeria owner who was able to predict that military action in the region was imminent, thanks to spikes in his sales. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who was a Pentagon correspondent at the time, supposedly remarked, “Bottom line for journalists: Always monitor the pizzas.”