Flying cars seem like a great idea, but considering how shit everyone seems to be at driving in 2 dimensions I’m very nervous about the idea of giving them a 3rd.
9/11 2.0 is just one drunken driving incident away
Couldn’t that tank be scavenged for parts? Even a barrel with proper tolerances would be valuable, in a land in which precision machining seems to be unknown…
An Iron Curtain has descended across… hold on, I’m being informed it is only an Iron Brick.
What’s the context of this?
The Russians captured a knocked-out Leo cowardlily abandoned by its Ukrainian crew, who refused to splatter all over the crew compartment like Russian MEN. In celebration of this astounding victory, they took it back to Russia as a trophy, and demonstrated their superiority over Westoid ‘technology’ by bending the barrel with a big weight. Take that!
My buddy from high school works with tanks for the army. I’ll be sure to let him know he needs to watch out for the new Russian technology of luring tanks under comically large blocks of steel suspended by crane.
Truly a devastating weapon
Cutting edge technology from the Wile E. Coyote War Institute.
I’m sure that block of weight is supplied by the world’s foremost weapons manufacturer, Acme.