Bruh. Can I get some of that mellow? All I got is, like, the harsh, man.
It’s a vicious cycle - you never actually reach mellow, you’re grasping at it, but the mental nagging is constant, so you’re never actually in the mellow state, just needing a break from that nagging to get there, but it never stops…
ADHD memes don’t have the same quality of info as my psych degree, but I swear the picture didn’t hang together nearly as well until I saw enough of them.
theory is useless without practice.
That’s why the 3 neurotypical psychiatrists I talked with sounded like “but did you consider depression/anxiety?” on loop, but when I found the one psychiatrist in my area that also has adhd we clicked immediately and I finally felt listened to
The subjectivity of others with even slightly different mental states can be nigh impenetrable.
I can’t count the number of times I start talking about executive dysfunction and someone immediately chirps in with “make a list, chunk it down, say you’re going to do this for 20 minutes and then take a break.” I eventually started asking in response, “Do you suggest to your depression patients simply not being sad? Do you tell your anxiety patients not to worry about stuff? Because that’s what I’m hearing, and it tells me you don’t understand the situation.”
Yeah my brain is all fd up and I feel like I’m taking crazy pills most times I try to explain things to people.
Sensible. One taught you the consensus on what is perceived as the benchmark mind so to speak and a subset of how it ‘may go wrong’.
ADHD memes demonstrates just how much more ‘hold my beer’ that hole of ‘may go wrong’ gets.
Which is to say a lot. Hearing about the human condition vs seeing it echo in all the clucking time blind chickens.
It’s one thing to know the symptoms, but it’s a whole other thing to know how it feels and what it actually looks like.
I’m in this post and I don’t like it…
nothin like the feeling of being stuck in a body you cant control
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