The United States on September 13 said the Russian news outlet RT is taking orders directly from the Kremlin and working with Russian military intelligence to spread disinformation around the world to undermine democracies.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States has gathered new evidence that exposes cooperation between RT and four other subsidiaries of the Rossia Segodnya media group, and it intends to warn other countries of the threat of the disinformation.
In addition to RT, Rossia Segodnya operates RIA Novosti, TV-Novosti, Ruptly, and Sputnik, but the announcement on September 13 focused largely on RT. The outlet, formerly known as Russia Today, has previously been sanctioned for its work to allegedly spread Kremlin propaganda and disinformation.
No shit
It’s like saying “Republican party working directly with Fox News, Breitbart, and OANN to spread disinformation”
Yeah … No shit!
It’s like saying “Republican party working directly with Fox News, Breitbart, and OANN to spread disinformation”
Can’t be true. That’s just liberals being partisan. Fox is Fair and Balanced. It says do right there on the Chyron.
And MSN, CNN, voa.
Stuff on MSN and CNN is generally not just made up though
I’m old enough to remember when Glenn Beck and Eric Erikson had hour long programs on CNN.
They were more than happy to mainline all sorts of bullshit, from “Iraq has WMDs” lies under Bush to Don Lemon’s insistence that a black hole from the LHC had eaten Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. MSNBC hyped “Lab Leak” theory around the COVID epidemic and has spent decades carrying water for the IDF.
Don’t give these people a pass just because they’re not taking money directly from Rupert Murdoch. Cable News is full of reactionaries and nitwits.
I’d give you a source, but I feel like your critical thinking skills are approximately that of a goldfish and I would therefore just be wasting my time.
Yes because terms like “unemployment” and “criminal” have static definitions.
Can we get a little deeper of a discussion as our top comment please? We used to be better than this…
Most upvoted top 2/3rds of the thread are all repeats of the same ‘yeah no shit’.
The remaining 1/3 is actual discussion…
What is there to discuss? The article is just stating the obvious: that a news site called “Russia Today” is in cahoots with the Kremlin, the goverment of a country with state-controlled media and well-known influence on Western media.
Tactics on how to spot propaganda
shared stories of propaganda sources exposed
Little know practices of the putinbots for study purposes
there’s a fucktonne of stuff that’s better than 35 renditions of ‘no shit sherlok’.
I already knew this because I watched RT once at a friend’s house
What? No!
State news agency works with government to spread negativity about adversery? Unprecedented.
Always have been
Next, is water still wet? Find out at 11.
This is a surprise to anyone?
does the pope shit in the woods? stay tuned to find out!
If it’s set in stone now, does it mean they are on the course to further investigate russian and other foreign ties in american media and politics? I’ musking for a friend.
How is this news to anyone?
I mean no shit? Its state run media lol
Was there ever a time when they didnt?
🤯 /s
Water is wet.
Duh, Its been clear that they were a mouth piece of pooty poots for over a decade.