Western leaders should not be intimidated by Kremlin threats of nuclear escalation, the head of the CIA said on Saturday, and be willing to consider allowing Anglo-French Storm Shadow missiles to be used inside Russia.
Bill Burns, on a visit to London alongside the head of MI6, said the US had brushed off a previous Russian nuclear scare in autumn 2022, demonstrating that threats from Moscow should not always be taken literally.
“Putin’s a bully. He’s going to continue to sabre rattle from time to time,” Burns said. “We cannot afford to be intimidated by that sabre rattling … we got to be mindful of it. The US has provided enormous support for Ukraine, and I’m sure the president will consider other ways in which we can support them.”
They said the same thing when he was repeatedly lining up troops along Ukraine’s border.
It’s not a problem until it is. They need to be making more progress on peace talks. It’s unacceptable this war has gone on for this long and killed this many people.
Could be over pretty quick if the bully would fuck off back home and leave Ukraine alone.
Agreed, but that’s not happening. It’s wild that the only possible options anybody sees right now are all-out war or Putin suddenly having a change of heart, and anybody who considers there might be other avenues to pursue is ridiculous.
Fine, the war goes on, and we’ll see hundreds of thousands of people continue to die. Nothing else anybody in the entire world can do, it all rests on Putin changing his mind, and we’ll just have to wait it out. Sucks to suck for all of those people, their families, and their descendants who are going to grow up in a country that’s going to take generations to rebuild.
OK, then we get to see which runs out first, the US military budget from 20 years ago, or Russia’s military age male population.
My money is on our defense spending, and we have lots of video evidence backing that up.
Either he goes home now, or he just runs out of boys. Or Ukraine comes for him at this rate.
He will run out of people, at the expense of both Russian human beings and Ukrainian human beings. That’s the best case scenario with continued war, assuming it doesn’t escalate to directly include other countries.
He’s not going to stop till he is stopped.
The more aid and weapons we give Ukraine, the fewer Ukrainian and more Russian lives are lost.
Hitler taught us appeasement just rewards more aggression, we can’t let this go.
What would be achieved by peace talks? Putin will dig deeper into the lands they occupy and get more time to rebuild their army and strike even harder. It’s been proven that he can’t be trusted.
Vatnik-tier opinion. No need to waste anybody’s time on a serious reply.
Exactly: “more progress on peace talks” in this context is just a tankie dog-whistle for “capitulating to Russia’s land-grabbing.”
Peace with Putin in practice means removing his means of attacking
They’re getting their supplies from North Korea… It won’t be long until they’re fighting with sticks.
Peace talks?! Hahaha
It is not possible for a conservative like Putin to enter any negotiation in good faith. Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation.
There is no negotiating with a conservative. It is simply not possible as their words mean absolutely nothing. When dealing with a conservative, there is only submit or fight. “Negotiating” with a conservative is submission.
After all, Putin just wants peace… A piece of Ukraine, a piece of Moldova, a piece of Poland…
Rather offer him a piece of lead, express delivery.
Who’s ‘they’? The US warned the world repeatedly that Putin was planning an invasion. They spent a month prior to the full-scale invasion herding skeptical cats in Europe trying to get everyone on the same page.
Sic vis pacem…
We are having peace talks, right now.
Every bullet we send, every Russian soldier we help kill, is us saying we will never stop until they withdraw every soldier.
They’re Russians, they don’t understand any other language. Crimea should have made that clear.