just tag yourself as “early-access” and suddenly everyone will forgive your flaws.
If you have to constantly tell people you’re the king, you’re not really the king.
“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government”
The “alpha/beta” meme was invented by rightwing think tanks in the late 2000’s/early 2010’s to promote their ideology of rigid social-hierarchies where people at the top are allowed to impose and abuse people of lower social station with impunity, and to police and control the behavior of heterosexual men (it ain’t just the LGBTQ’s that get their gender-expression policed, ohhh no no no.)
Yup. I’ve had more than a few people claim I had to “give up my man card” because I love musicals, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Sex in the City.
What kind of musicals do you like? I don’t generally care for musicals as much as other play formats, but I got to see some real fun ones when I was a backstage tech at a theatre.
The Wiz is absolutely amazing though.