Why is your comment so adversarial when previous commenter literally said they weren’t sure?
That’s not the same as dismissing women’s accounts so please don’t equate them
Why is your comment so adversarial when previous commenter literally said they weren’t sure?
That’s not the same as dismissing women’s accounts so please don’t equate them
Biden was just scrolling through Lemmy and your comment was the final push
D+ dropped support for my tablet since the Android version is too old, but I just ran Firefox in desktop mode and that worked. I don’t know whether it made a difference that it’s a tablet vs phone though
I called this out after my first trip to the US, and then I came back to the UK just in time for the coronation weekend. Hahaha we definitely outdid them a bit in terms of flags which shut me right up. Especially working for an American employer for some reason, we went all out with a work do in the UK, union flags galore.
The difference is all our flags went away again straight after the coronation.
100% and I’m sure you know this too but just to add to your point, I believe the US government spends more money per capita on healthcare than anywhere in Europe, so even under the “Why should I?” lens, the current approach costs individuals more because they have to pay for it in taxes and then also in insurance premiums, copay etc.
It’s not just for the benefit of society as a whole, “you” as an individual would also be financially better off under a socialised system.
Ah yes. There’s actually quite a lot of jokes that feel more controversial in retrospect but yeah that one’s pretty bad
Which one is that one?
The cynic in me says maybe your coworker was just taking their time
Lol - POs looking at backend tests, as if
Does it matter if those machines are an hour out for 6 months? Why not just keep them on UTC as a rule?
“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government”
It does often feel like as soon as a significant hurdle is overcome, the industry just makes another one.
Hopefully SteamOS/Steam on Linux gets enough traction to force publishers to reconsider.