The Guardian and other liars are reporting Fmovies is “shut down”
verified up and working today
PSA: make sure you use a VPN and a good adblocker like ublock origin before visiting any of the listed links. We have not verified whether these are legitimate fmovie mirrors or scammy clone sites.
Question from a dummy: why should you use a VPN when visiting?
IMO it’s a good idea to use a VPN when accessing any pirated content, as a general rule. While there are exceptions (e.g. usenet, specific countries with piracy-friendly laws/enforcement) and it’s arguably unlikely end-users of pirated streams would be prosecuted, why take the risk? It’s cheap insurance and there are few downsides. In some countries ISPs will act on reported piracy at your IP address and you could have your internet cut off or suspended, and/or be fined. So, better safe than sorry.
Yeah but aren’t those clones? Before, it was something like
a lot of the people making these posts don’t realise they are going to fake clone sites with a lesser library that could even be potentially dangerous. even outside of this space people are fooling themselves, I saw someone on discord post a fake 9anime link yesterday.
If you’re watching the things you want to watch, the “That’s not the right site so it doesn’t count!” argument doesn’t make much sense.
There’s no such thing as “fake” or “real” in this context.
Lmao are you a literal child
That’s not how online risk management works at all
In fact mods should take this down for spreading malware
Seems they don’t care, as long as the f is in the title lmao
I’m disappointed so many people give credence to the Guardian. They have abysmal track record in reporting on topics they don’t have expertise in or subjects they ideologically disagree with.
Aniwave my poor boy :(
Imagine believing a website is down because a paper says so.
Takes five seconds to find.
Aniwave is down though…?
Nah, search for ‘aniwave’ and you can find it easily
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about
This is not rocket science. You want to watch telly: you find the site, hit play, it plays.
how do you know they are fmovies?
the proof of the pudding is in the eating