Lines of majesty!
In case anyone is curious, the sign says “(we) love, (we will) defend” with the words in parentheses necessary in English but not in Russian due to the way Russian grammar works. I feel like the this sign might have worked better with someone a little sexier pictured on it.
Sorry. I had to work.
I feel my patriotism waning, zoom back in on the lady.
You mean Lady Liberty, right?
No twin towers 😭
Bro set a grill lid on his lap.
Side order of roasted nuts
He’s protected by all that Freedom!
This is giving me inverse Red Dawn vibes. The Russians invade the US from the south via a friendly Mexican government. Too bad for Russia that instead of wolverines all they have is drunken conscripts
Mind elaborating?
Russia is getting invaded via the south of their country by a nation that is allied with the US which is the inverse of the plot to Red Dawn
Context: https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1eyp4je/american_volunteers_posing_in_front_of_a_russian/
American volunteers posing in front of a Russian recruitment ad in Kursk region
I wonder, how do you become a volunteer? Is it even paid?
They have a bunch of info on their site https://ildu.com.ua/ How to join the International Legion, candidate requirements, pay and compensation, forms and documents required, contract length, and frequently asked questions
Well this is going to piss Putin off. LMAO! Fuck you Putin, I hope you die soon.