So what did you dorks achieve? Ukrainian genocide and the destruction of the us economy? Good job.
Also [email protected]. Not a lot of Zeppos out here.
So what did you dorks achieve? Ukrainian genocide and the destruction of the us economy? Good job.
I’ve heard very little about the Ukrainian genocide. Oddly these people so upset about Gaza never noticed that Trump would eagerly enable Russia to “finish the job”, as Trump said about Gaza.
Trump is talking about seizing Gaza and make it into resorts and we still get “JORR BIDEN”.
I wonder why we don’t hear “genocide don”? People wouldn’t shut the fuck up for like a year with the “genocide Joe” shit.
I tried explaining what you’re saying to those people dozens of times - Trump would be same or worse in Gaza, this is not the election to “teach the dems a lesson” with, and Trump will be far worse on a dozen other very important issues. Barely got one reasonable response, usually just “so you love gennercide!!” Either shills for Trump or very stupid.
Yep, that’s an awful graph.
So which of those is worth letting Trump get elected over?
That’s great but a single politician doesn’t get to make that choice for the US. That’s the idiotic thing of blaming all of this on Biden or Harris. Israel is supported financially and in anything they do by 95% of the US political establishment.
The idea that republicans have ever been better economically is absurd. They tend to drive the country into the ground by letting rich people fuck everyone over, then there’s some sort of crisis and bailout, then we get Democrats who fix it while being blamed for the republican’s mishaps.
What pisses me off is even if they WERE equally bad about it, trump is clearly worse on a dozen other extremely important issues. So why throw away all of that for a single issue? If “genocide” is the thing, what about caring about Ukrainians? Central and South Americans and LGBT in the US? Poor, disabled people and veterans? Wildlife? Children who live near industry? Why throw all those people under the bus while getting someone who is the same or worse about Palestine? It makes no sense.
I like to talk incoherent mumbles into voice-to-text.
I have some small discussions with Cowbee and my experience was that he’s much more reasonable to talk to than most other people with similar viewpoints.
Trainer Robertson jobs and he took his Mercedes. But I didn’t know that deal with my election but it says it didn’t come. hello.
as soon as I wanted, you would like to go and say have a sandwich. The thing in the like it went to the Albertsons and like them, I realize it was really way and I didn’t know what to do with the red thing and then countertops of terrorist. Come back all the way back jingle jingle and wanna happen to go to the bank there was not that much.
It’s also the same crap conservatives do with the government in general in the US. Cut budgets and make institutions dysfunctional, then say that the dysfunction indicates it should be privatized.
The only person who can stop WW3 and also “save the country”, which according to him is a smoking husk.
He really is a remarkably stupid person.
Eating it when I had zero tolerance was cool for a while. When I am smoking regularly though, I either don’t feel it or I take too much and feel awful.
my experience is more feeling woozy and tired, but we’re all unique
There’s one photo where she has a slight protrusion in a tight dress… and it looks like, you know, her vulva. I swear these people have never really seen a woman naked in person. You’d figure they’d at least get a clue from porn.
It already happened. Trump’s brain is cheese and he is letting Elron run everything.