True, and that’s despite most of them believing it’s rigged anyway lmao
True, and that’s despite most of them believing it’s rigged anyway lmao
People who are too moronic to understand the tightrope that any good faith administration is walking in the middle east and think it’s “just as bad” to give in to a fascist takeover instead are too far gone, and should start taking whatever meds are required asap.
Also, why are you fetching alleged Biden comments made decades before his presidency and current events you sad dog? Good luck seeing Trump being less enthusiastic
Not engaging is also a choice, a very shit one in this case. You either contributed -1, 0, or +1 to a fascist takeover, sure 0 might be better than +1 but taking a neutral stance against such a dogshit prospect really puts the chair in armchair revolutionary, and doesn’t make you much better than the cheeto worshippers.
You’re so unfathomably stupid.
Oh wait, did Ukraine say they wanted to give away their land?
Make sure to add some salt to your next mouthful of vatnik propaganda
You might find out soon what genocide actually looks like and then you can wipe those fake tears with your useless virtue signalling. Clown
He’s the most courageous online communist revolutionary
“Why don’t you say that three times: Within cells interlinked.”
“Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.”
Please do take all the conservative brainlets and build a Gilead so we can all watch it crash and burn while you cope about foreign interference.
Homophobic? Nah, it’s just an accurate description of your vatnik love for ruzzia
Yeah, my homophobia goes full Russian lmao
By not obsessing about maybe offending people who are definitely not reading my comment.
I’m always impressed at how technology has evolved enough to allow people as retarded as you to manage navigating the internet to type braindead shit like this
Still think it couldn’t get any worse? Hope you’re enjoying watching Trump turn Gaza into his next golf course. 🤡