Homo ignorans :)
I often use tone tags, so in their absence, try to interpret everything I say as literally as reasonable.
Formerly @[email protected]
Homo ignorans :)
The sea.
The image in the post shows up purplish for me. Is that a part of the experiment?
This is still just within the current borders (since ‘67), not the new occupation (…yet?)
I don’t know much history either. Maybe Sinai in the Yom-Kippur war (1973)?
Well, if you consider Israel to be a nuclear power…
School teachers. Not deliberately, but there is a shortage of them here.
supporting a terrorist organization
Also a serial traffic offender. Not really that important but quite ironic as he is responsible for the police.
Protests were calling for years for Netanyahu to go to The Hague. Is it happening?
As far as I know, it’s literally just Linux, so anything is possible