My family tries to talk political shit with me, I just stop them right there and say “I don’t wanna talk politics” if they press it, I walk away mid sentence, they’re family, you can be obtuse to them.
Damn this got meta
Oh I see now
I don’t get it, halp
Yeah that’s what I assumed you meant
I mean it’s better now but like most brain things, it’s pretty bad as a kid, might check out both
I mean I usually don’t bother adding it until it comes up
I mean, I used to watch some of the original one with captain kirk when I was young, but I never saw tng and all I had was cable and ADHD so I never was good at sticking to series
Mainly, but some of the star trek stuff is pretty wholesome. Kinda makes me wanna finally watch it
Noooooo, straight literal string I believe, I learned that the hard way
Boost has it, I think maybe connect did as well?
Because federation is confusing to the general populace
Sounds like it’s time to review bomb a certain dog groomer company
Oh God really? My work is already pretty soul crushing, I couldn’t imagine
Literal dream job ngl
Okay Z oomer