Marmite on toast with an obscene amount of ketchup.
Marmite on toast with an obscene amount of ketchup.
Chunky tapanade.
No. My argument is that all the stats about men being raped in the comments ignores that the protest sign is about women being raped. That is all.
Anyone dug up statistics of how many rapes of women are by women? No?
I guess you don’t know where your towel is.
Whereas my perspective is that conservatives fuck things up then it swings left(ish) who can’t deliver recover enough before the conservatives get to fuck stuff up again while the media is heavily favouring the conservatives (fueling your narrative) and on the cycle goes. So the back and forth and left creeping to the middle (where they see success) leaves the far right as an alternative - and current rhetoric makes it less of an acceptable outlier.
Bit like how when women reach a threshold of 30% ‘airtime’ the perception is that they’re taking up over half of it. https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/adam-grant-communication-gender.html