I feel like OP missed an opportunity to title this post “Fedora Flatpaks Fall Flat”
Great article, BTW
I feel like OP missed an opportunity to title this post “Fedora Flatpaks Fall Flat”
Great article, BTW
According to Framework support, there are no supported models as of yet.
I have a Framework 13 AMD running Linux Mint. It works great and I love it. Modular IO ports are super nifty.
Here are the downsides as I see them:
I expect 2&3 will come in the future and I can upgrade! The fact that I can upgrade rather than throw it away in the future offsets 1.
Does the salary take into account inflation?
Secure can also mean more resilient. The infosec C-I-A triangle has three legs. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. Immutable distros are more resilient and thus offer better availability in the face of attacks or accidents.
Awk is a turing complete programming language.
This seems relevant -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsAd4HGJS4o
TLDW: You have to change your mindset. Do not accept the default, be mindful and self-aware.
To quote Carl Sagan, “We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
Does Fedora have a long term support version? Last time I used it a decade ago I had to upgrade every 1-2 years.
I will never forget the joys of the playing Half-Life 1 on max settings with my Diamond Monster3D Voodoo2.
I found happiness. I am almost done with it. You want it after me?
This is good advice. Keep the conversation short, formal and boring. Bring up the weather as a signal there is little of interest in the conversation. When you are ready to disengage say “I will let you get back to your work now”
So is Visual Studio basically dead at this point? Are any new programmers choosing to use it?
I feel like Beholders are the product of some nightmare fueled fever dream. They fascinate me endlessly.
Infinite Jest - just the part about video conferencing is wild and is even mire wild when you realize it was written in the 90’s before video conferencing really existed:
“Good old traditional audio-only phone conversations allowed you to presume that the person on the other end was paying complete attention to you while also permitting you not to have to pay anything even close to complete attention to her. A traditional aural-only conversation […] let you enter a kind of highway-hypnotic semi-attentive fugue: while conversing, you could look around the room, doodle, fine-groom, peel tiny bits of dead skin away from your cuticles, compose phone-pad haiku, stir things on the stove; you could even carry on a whole separate additional sign-language-and-exaggerated-facial-expression type of conversation with people right there in the room with you, all while seeming to be right there attending closely to the voice on the phone. And yet — and this was the retrospectively marvelous part — even as you were dividing your attention between the phone call and all sorts of other idle little fuguelike activities, you were somehow never haunted by the suspicion that the person on the other end’s attention might be similarly divided.”
You likely can’t do equity investing but you might be able to buy their bonds:
Seems like a bad idea to me. If you want to diversify buy index funds and ETFs.
The Cake Song
Day of Defeat source players:
Its like being on an island that is slowly sinking into the sea.